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Perfecting Your BlogPaws Conference Elevator Speech

Guest post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

Picture2"What do you do?" Seems an easy question, right? Maybe not if you're at a networking meeting or a pet conference like BlogPaws 2013. When someone asks what you do you want to have a phrase or sentence or two that rolls off your tongue that lets the asker know who you are, what you do, and why you do it. If you attend networking events to garner new clients or meet new friends, you need to have an elevator speech prepared. Consider, even if you meet someone at a conference and they aren't a good fit for you and your business, they may know someone who is and if you've crafted a memorable elevator speech, chances are they will remember you later on! 

Here are my tips for putting together your elevator speech: 

  1. Write it down but don’t speak your pitch the
    way you’ve written it. Writing your elevator pitch will likely sound very
    stilted. For example: “I help business owners craft their media message and
    assist them in disseminating it to their clientele.” What?! Be simple and say, “I’m
    a social media consultant and blogger.” If they want to know more, they’ll ask.
    With the first sentence, chances are you will see their eyes glazing over and
    they’ll make a dash toward the buffet.
  2. Even if you work in a high tech
    field, use low tech verbiage. Your business card or your website may have some
    high falutin’ phrases but consider how your words sound to the listener. You
    want to be approachable, right?
  3. Turn the question upside down and ask
    a question right back! As an example, and I read this somewhere but honestly
    cannot remember where, but it stuck with me. If you’re an organizational
    management consultant (ie a professional organizer) you could turn the question
    around and say, “You know how you keep wishing you could see the top of your
    desk and take care of all that paperwork? I’m a professional organizer and I
    help business owners see light at the end of the stack.” Clever and it makes
    the “what do you do” more interactive and memorable.
  4. Practice makes perfect. You don’t
    want to go to a networking event and have to read your pitch from your sweaty
    palm, do you? Practice in front of a mirror. Record yourself and play it back.
    You shouldn’t hesitate on what it is you do. If you’re hesitant imagine how
    your potential client will feel. Don’t forget to ask a trusted colleague to
    listen to your pitch and offer pointers.
  5. Be willing to toss the pitch aside
    and simply have a conversation. Pet people are a casual bunch and you’ll make
    more fur-iends by being approachable than you will by having a memorable
    elevator pitch.

Do you have a pitch? Will you start working on one before the
BlogPaws conference? 



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  1. Being a unique pet owner I don’t get to use my elevator pitch as most people are more interested in the squimming bunch in my arms but they are great conversation openers.
    So I am glad to see that you have that bit of advice at the end of the article.
    Have a Chittering Good Day,

  2. When I wear my T-Shirt that plugs my cat blog, and I get funny looks, or am asked about it, I pass out my blog card and explain, with a wink, that “my cats do all the writing, you understand, I’m just their official research assistant, photographer, and liaison with humans as needed, as well as provider, playmate, belly rubber, and litter box cleaner.”
    Then we move on from there, or not….some folks go running off down the street in utter terror of the oddball they just met (Just kidding!).

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