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October Pet Blogging Prompts

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

Wow, where did the summer go? We are now more than a week into autumn. As I write there, up here in Western New York the weather is lovely — mid 70s during the day, cooler nights and no humidity. While I may not be ready for winter to settle in, I was ready for the humidity of the summer to vanish.

shutterstock_49709320Here, for your blogging pleasure are your October pet blogging prompts:

  1. What was your best summer memory?
  2. What did you do on your summer vacation?
  3. Does your pet wear clothes when the weather turns cool? Show pictures and blog about it! Remember, though, a “wordless” post is a great way to get a blog post up on your site without having to do too much work — other than having a great photo, that is.
  4. According to Lauren Darr and her Pet Fashion 2015 Almanac, October is Pet Fashion Month — have fun with that!
  5. It’s Adopt A Shelter Dog Month. Write about the pet you adopted. “Adopt” a shelter and help them get some of the dogs there adopted. Take cute photos. Write profiles of the pets. Be creative.
  6. It’s National Pet Wellness Month.
  7. It’s Pet Cancer Awareness Month.
  8. Blog about your diabetic pet because it’s Pet Diabetes Month.
  9. It’s National Service Dog Month. Blog about a service dog you know. Don’t know one? Get to know one. Talk to a service dog trainer and see what these dogs need to know to become certified as a service dog.
  10. Blog from your pet’s point of view on what he or she loves about autumn.
  11. The first week of October is National Walk Your Dog Week. Get out. Take a walk every day this week, but go to a different place each day. Take photos. Pay attention to your surroundings and to how your dog reacts to them. Viola, seven blog ideas AND new photos.
  12. The second week of the month is National Veterinary Technician Week. Thank your vet tech. Consider writing a profile about him or her and tell why you appreciate what they do! I see my vet tech more than my veterinarian because Henrietta goes in for twice monthly laser treatments for her bum knee.
  13. October 2 is World Farm Animals Day. Do you have farm animals? Blog about them!
  14. October 7 is National Pet Obesity Awareness Day. Is your pet obese? Write about what you can do to help him or her slim down.
  15. October 16 is National Feral Cat Day.shutterstock_319337162
  16. October 21 is Reptile Awareness Day.
  17. October 29 is National Cat Day. Blog about what you love the most about your cat!
  18. October 31 is National Pit Bull Awareness Day. Blog about pit bulls and pit bull issues.
  19. October 31 is Halloween. Show us your pet in costume.
  20. Because it’s Halloween, blog about pet safety issues on Halloween with all of the trick-or-treaters.
  21. Use the word “fate” in a blog post.
  22. What did you blog about last year at this time? Is it a post that is evergreen and that can be repurposed?
  23. Write about what you’d be doing if you didn’t have to work.
  24. Write about something you learned about your pet this week or something that your pet learned this week.
  25. Use these words in a post: adoption, pumpkin and road trip.
  26. Look for a tweet or social media update you shared this week and expand that into a blog post.
  27. Blog about what you do to prepare for the upcoming winter.
  28. Blog about what you’d be doing if you weren’t writing a blog post!
  29. Today, instead of blogging, take an hour and work on your editorial calendar for the last quarter of the year. You will be happy to have that done and out of the way before the craziness of the holiday season kicks in!
  30. Blog about the type of pet you dream of owning, but never have. Share why you haven’t.
  31. What would the title of your memoir be? Blog about it!

Let us know in the comments if any of these prompts inspired your pet blogging!

(Photo: Shutterstock ferrets and pumpkins)

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