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November Blog Prompts

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

As we wind down from summer and up into the winter months and holidays, finding ideas (and time) to write might be at a premium! To help you with the ideas, here are more than 30 blog prompts to inspire your creativity for November.

blog promptsMonthly Holidays

  • Adopt a Senior Pet — share your senior pet story
  • National Entrepreneurship — write about what being an entrepreneur in the pet industry means to you (freedom, extra money, portability, being seen as an expert, etc.)
  • National Memoir Writing — write your pets’ or your memoir
  • National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO) — can you churn out 50,000 words on a novel? Take the challenge! I’ve done it, and won it, two times!
  • Pet Diabetes Awareness — do you have a pet with diabetes or want to share pet health tips
  • Canine Epilepsy Awareness
  • National Pet Cancer Awareness

Weekly Holidays

  • Nov. 2-8: National Animal Shelter Appreciation  — go to your local shelter and write a few spotlight articles to help the pets find homes for the holidays! 
  • Nov. 15-21: Rodent Awareness — do you have rodents, ever wondered about owning rodents? Write about it.

Daily Holidays

  • Nov. 1 is National Author Day
  • Nov 1. is Go Cook For Your Pet Day
  • Nov. 11 is Veteran’s Day
  • Nov. 15 is I Love To Write Day — write about your love of writing or how you got into writing. Share your story!
  • Nov. 17 is National Black Cat Day
  • Nov. 19 National Get A Friend For Your Pet Day
  • Nov 22 is National Humane Society Anniversary Day
  • Nov. 23 is Dr. Who Day (Okay, this one might just be for me and my benefit!)
  • Nov.25  is International Hat Day — show us your pet in a hat
  • Nov 26 is Thanksgiving
  • Nov. 27 is Black Friday — blog about whether you shop that day and why. Let us know what gifts you buy for your pets on your excursion!
  • Nov. 30 is Stay Home Because You’re Well Day — have fun with this and write some excuses you’d use to call in sick — if you weren’t your own boss!
  • Nov. 30 is Cyber MondayBocci proofing his blog post

General Topic Ideas

  • Explain what autumn and autumn leaves and smells are like — from your dog’s point of view
  • Check out Pinterest, choose a craft or a recipe, make it and share the process in photo, video and/or words on your blog
  • Write a blog post in 25 lines or fewer! This will force you to truly focus in on a topic (fun but hard)
  • Make up a hashtag to use for your blog or your business, tell us why, claim it and then use it!
  • What were you doing last year at this time? How have you progressed?
  • You’re going to adopt a pet other than the species you currently own – what would you adopt and why?
  • Blog about something new you learned this month.
  • Blog about something you want to learn next month and why
  • Do a video of a blog post you’d written in the past. Rework and reuse your content.
  • Write a blog post inspired by the words: magic, outdoors and fur-kid
  • Pretend you’re an advice columnist. What is the most pressing issue that your pet would want an answer to?
  • Share some holiday safety tips for keeping your pets safe from human holiday food and to keeping them comfortable when you have a houseful of guests
  • Write your intentions for getting your blogging and other work done during the crush of the holidays
  • Send a letter to your future self. Blog about where you want to be next year at this time

Ready. Set. Write!

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