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March Blog Prompt Inspiration

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

I cannot believe it’s March already! In the frozen tundra that is Western New York the sub zero temperatures and wind chills have made February feel like a longer-than-normal month, but here we are and it’s March so let’s get to some blog prompt inspiration designed to (at least!) get your fingers warmed up!

Monthly pet-centric holidays:

  • Adopt a rescued guinea pig month
  • Prevention of Animal Cruelty month

Weekly pet-centric holidays: 

  • March 1-7 – National Pet Sitter’s week
  • March 15-21 – National Animal Poison Prevention weekaardvark
  • March 15-21 – National Aardvark Week
  • March 22 – 31 – National Wildlife Week

Daily pet-centric holidays:

  • March 1 – National Horse Protection Day
  • March 3 – What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day?
  • March 13 – K9 Veterans Day
  • March 14 Save A Spider Day & Learn About Butterflies Day
  • March 15 Buzzard’s Day
  • March 16 Panda Day
  • March 20 World Frog Day
  • March 22 International Day of the Seal
  • March 23 World Turtle Day & National Puppy Day
  • March 25 Manatee Appreciation Day
  • March 28 Respect Your Cat Day

Learn more about these pet holidays at Pet Fashion Professionals.

For even more blog inspiration:

  1. Write about your favorite part of blogging.
  2. Write about your least favorite part of blogging.
  3. Share why you chose to share your life with the breed/species of pet that you own.
  4. Write about how you organize your blogging day/week.
  5. Offer insight into your pet’s innermost thoughts.shutterstock_11740729
  6. Blog your best networking how-tos.
  7. What is your favorite Saturday-afternoon-curled-up-on-the-couch-with-your-pet-movie.
  8. What is your pet’s favorite treat? Make a video of him or her getting all wound up before you finally hand it over!
  9. Put together a photo collage of your pet from the day you got him or her up until the day you write the post.
  10. Write a tribute to your pet and let the world know just how wonderful her or she is.
  11. Are you doing what you love? If not, why not? Share this either on your blog or in a journal entry that only you will see. It could be an eye opener.
  12. Where do you see yourself in five years? 10?
  13. If your pet could be any movie star who would she be? Take inspiration from that and dress him or her in outfits to match the star and share some photos.
  14. Step away from the computer and make a vision board. Spend a few hours or days gathering inspiration for it — photos, charms, bits of dried flowers, ticket stubs, anything that strikes your fancy. Spending your time in a creative endeavor that doesn’t involve words just might spark some ideas you’d never imagined.
  15. What’s your favorite month of the year?
  16. How did you celebrate your last birthday? How will you celebrate the next?
  17. If your pet was going to write a Letter to the Editor, what would his biggest peeve be? Do pets have “pet” peeves? Ponder that!
  18. If you’re going to attend BlogPaws 2015 in Nashville in May who do you most want to meet, and why? How will you make it happen?
  19. What can you do today to reach out to someone in the pet community and either lend a helping hand or form a partnership with so that you both benefit and your blogs and businesses grow and thrive.
  20. We’re a quarter of a way into the new year, check back on the goals you’d set in the beginning of the year and see how you’re faring.turtle
  21. Take time now to set up your goals for the next quarter of the year. Write them down.
  22. What is your favorite mood music for when you’re writing and why?
  23. What was your favorite subject in high school and did that lead at all into the career you’re in now?
  24. Write about when you first knew you wanted to be a blogger.
  25. Share the steps you took when you made the leap from employee to self-employed business owner.
  26. Blog about what you do to maintain a work/life balance.
  27. Are you a crafter who makes clothes or other items for your pet? Share a how-to post with photos and videos.
  28. Write a note to yourself of all of the skills you possess and items at which you excel and then blog about something on that list — share your unique knowledge.
  29. Check on Twitter or Yahoo to see what the trending topics are and see if you can blog about any of them.
  30. Interview someone who owns a guinea pig (since it’s National Guinea Pig Month) and blog about their attributes.
  31. February wrapped up #dogdentalhealth and #catdentalhealth month. What do you do/have you done to address your pet’s dental health? Even though the month is over, it’s an ongoing task for pet parents.

Let me know if any of these excite or inspire you!

(Photo Shutterstock: Aardvark)

Photo Shutterstock: Family watching movie with dog) (Photo Shutterstock: Red eared tortoise)


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