Looking Forward: On Chewy’s role in taking care of the BlogPaws brand and community

Hello BlogPaws Community,

Have you caught up and recovered from the excitement of the BlogPaws conference in KC? We’re still absorbing all our takeaways, especially as the conference surveys roll in. (Haven’t filled yours out yet? Please do! We really want to learn from you! Click here.)

However, we wanted to take this moment to officially say hello, welcome to the Chewy family, and share a bit about our vision.

We are thrilled and honored to be tasked with taking care of the BlogPaws brand and community. We know we have a lot to learn, and we can’t wait to dig in.

As you know, the past year brought many changes to the BlogPaws community. As part of all that change, we’ve all experienced some growing pains. It’s a natural part of the process, of course, but for us it was a bit of a bigger mountain to climb because we wanted to learn everything we could as fast as we could. We’ll be the first ones to say that it hasn’t gone perfectly every step of the way.

In order for communities to thrive, we need to all work together toward a common goal. In this community, we’re so lucky that our common goal is to love and help animals–there’s nothing better! And we know that BlogPawsers have a long, deep history together. We’re soaking up as much as we can while undertaking the very real need to evaluate and spruce up some corners of the business.

We’re busy planning for the future. Right now, that looks like one big, annual celebratory event with additional events sprinkled throughout the year to promote seasonal occasions, brands, trends, and education. We can’t wait to bring new content, learning opportunities, campaigns, community members, and sponsors–while nurturing all the pieces of the BlogPaws community you know and love, including pet welfare and shelter initiatives.

Please know that we value your feedback, even the tough stuff, and have kept a close eye and ear on every comment being shared. If you ever have additional questions or feedback, hang onto this email address to reach us instantly: TeamBlogPaws@BlogPaws.com.

In the meantime, we’re so honored to be welcomed into the BlogPaws family, and we’re even more excited to welcome you all to the Chewy family.

Reach out anytime, and we can’t wait to get to know you and your pets better!

– The BlogPaws Team

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