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Ho, Ho… Hold On! What Did You Miss In #BlogPaws Last Week?

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

Winter is in full swing as I write from my home office in New York. The weather forecast calls for up to 12 inches of snow by 6 am Sunday. The main benefit of winter (if I have to find one) is that Henrietta the Diva Poodle has a wardrobe that is beyond compare for the cold months. She'd be better served if she would wear the little pink suede booties, that happen to match mine, but she refuses. When the porch is salted I carry her up and down the steps because even though we use pet-friendly de-icing compounds she still gets too much salt, sand and snow in her paws and then she's in pain. 

I survived Friday the 13th; well actually I locked myself out of both my house and my car (that was running in the driveway in an effort to melt the now and ice so I had to call 911 and wait for the officer Hen dressed for winterto come in and help me get into my car. Well, if that is the worst that happened, I guess it was all right! 

Okay, onto what happened in BlogPaws last week and what is going to happen next week: 

  • With the holidays in full swing and with people being in the giving mood, we wanted to let you know what you could do to help in the life of even one shelter pet. Check out my Giving Month post. You don't have to save the world, but you can make a difference in the life of one pet in need of rescue. 
  • Our PR Manager Carol Bryant wrote about the top ten social media hits that pet bloggers should be knowledgeable about. I, like everyone, suffer from FOMO (as Carol writes), "fear of missing out" so we want to be on EVERY social media platform ALL the time. Stop, take a breathe and plan your social media usage wisely. 
  • Wordless Wednesday featured pets getting ready for a visit from Santa. Don't forget to join our Blog Hop, it's a great way to connect with myriad pet bloggers! 
  • Pet blogging and sexy? Bet you never thought you'd read those words in the same sentence… or blog post, but we've shown you how being a pet blogger is a sexy career! 
  • It's that time of the year; the time for reflection and planning for 2014. What will you do or what have you done to review your blog, your pet blogging niche, and your website and what changes will you make (if any) for 2014? In your planning, don't forget a great way to amp up your credibility and visibility in the pet blogging world is by attending a BlogPaws conference

Our BlogPaws Holiday Sweepstakes continues. Get involved! Put "Registration to BlogPaws 2014 in Vegas" on your wish list. 

 As for what's coming up in the next week? We will be launching a new website! Stay tuned. 

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