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Adopt A Cat Month: Is Your Dog Household Ready For A Cat?

Editor’s Note:  During June, which is Adopt A Cat Month, we are hosting a blog hop in which we asked bloggers to link up cutie-luckyand share their cat adoption stories with us. Join the blog hop here.

Cartoons depict cats and dogs… well, fighting like cats and dogs! If you’re a dog household, do you think a cat will fit into your lifestyle? Paris Permenter blogs about that very topic over at DogTipper. She writes about how to safely integrate a new cat into a household that has two dogs and a bevy of cats!

If you’re considering adopting a cat this month and wondered if it would be a good fit if you’ve been a dog only household or if you already have older cats, this post may answer some of your questions.

Do you have any hints or tips on how you introduce a new pet to your current family of pets?

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