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Hot Social Media Tips for Bloggers

Every Tuesday evening from 8 to 10 pm EST, magic happens on Twitter. Except for the third Tuesday of the month, BlogPaws hosts a Twitter chat under the hashtag #BlogPawsChat. Sometimes we host a brand-sponsored event and information for pet lovers is tweeted along with prize giveaways and networking. Recently, we dished hot social media tips for bloggers.

In case you missed the #BlogPawsChat on social media tips for bloggers, here’s a recap of some of the popular tweets. In a nutshell, we covered:

  • Blogging
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Facebook

Remember, there is no need to be on every social media platform, only the ones that make sense for you. Here then, by platform, are hot social media tips for bloggers to use and implement in online strategy and relationship building:

Blogging Tips

We suggest a purposeful social media strategy for every blogger. Learn how to build a social media strategy here.

The Washington Post says in five years, 80 percent of the whole Internet will be online video. Blogging video tips here.

Blog Tip: Use social sharing buttons on every post. Each of your blog posts needs to have this capability.

Download our free workbook to learn how to #BoostYourBlog10K.

Leave comments on blogs, get to know other bloggers, and build on existing relationships while forging new ones.

Publishing a post takes time, talent, and effort. Once you publish, know how to promote a blog post. Here are 25 tips to promote a blog post.

Twitter Tips

Baffled by the changes on Twitter? Have they affected you yet? Here’s what bloggers need to know about Twitter changes.

TWITTER TIP: Don’t #OverRun a #Tweet With #Hashtags No Matter #What

Create public Twitter lists (vs. private) so members know when they’re added and will likely reciprocate.

A high-quality image added to your tweet may increase engagement.

Twitter Tools Matter: Schedule tweets at different times using tools like Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, or Buffer.

Want people to click through to your blog post? Give a deliberate call to action. Want a RT? Ask for it!

Here’s the wrong and right way to Tweet:

Twitter tips

Twitter lists allow you to segment folks you follow by category, which makes it easier to tweet them, talk to them, etc.

TWITTER ANALYTICS: Yes, it exists! While signed in to your Twitter account, browse to Twitter Analytics. https://analytics.twitter.com

FACT: Favoriting a Tweet can let the original poster know that you liked their Tweet, or you can save the Tweet for later.

Hashtagging don’ts:

Twitter blogger tip

Hashtag Help: Some helpful sites are http://hashtagify.me and https://tagboard.com

TWITTER HACK: To search for Twitter lists from your browser, use this string: site:twitter.com inurl:lists <your search term>

Instagram Tips

Engagement is the name of the Instagram game! Don’t just post; interact!

Grama is a free iOS-only app helps you find hashtags to use on your Instagram.

Have you asked your IG audience to #turniton? Are you going to? How Instagram Changes Affect Bloggers.

Want to alienate folks on Instagram? Here’s how (hint: DON’T do it):

what not to do on Instagram

Figure out what days and times you get the most engagement and use it to your advantage.

Instatip: Search your favorite hashtag to find new accounts to follow in your niche (#blackcatstagram, #rabbitsofinstagram, etc.)

Instagram rock star @Mj_the_beagle made  video for #BlogPaws last year:

Include a blog post URL in your profile section of Instagram when referencing an image from a blog post.

Go to Instagram and find the picture you want to share, click on the symbol shown as three dots, and choose the Embed option to embed video/pic to post.

Spend more time engaging than posting on #Instagram: Conversation is king.

Watermarking is one way to protect your images from duplication.

Facebook Tips

Want people to see your content on Facebook? Read this: How to Get People to See Your Content on Facebook.

Is Facebook advertising (paid) worth it for bloggers? Here’s our take on it:Facebook Advertising for Bloggers

Working on your FB page? Here are 11 things to add ASAP.

Schedule your FB posts and sprinkle in shares throughout the day.

Did you know you can download all your Facebook data? Under your General Account Settings, check it out:

find account settings

Facebook livestreaming is super popular as @lisaillman will showcase at #BlogPaws #Phoenix.

Facebook Fact: Facebook will only allow posts to be “boosted” if there is 20 percent or less text on them.

Facebook Hack: See something you like in your News Feed but don’t have time to look at it now? Save it for later.

Facebook save for later

Your Activity Log shows everything you’ve liked, shared, and commented on in the past. It’s easily accessible on your profile.

RSVP for BlogPawsChat

Mark Your Spot

Mark your calendar for Tuesday nights (except the third Tuesday of the month) from 8 to 10 pm EST for #BlogPawsChat.

Grab Your Tickets

Join the most influential pet bloggers, writers, speakers, brands, and social media gurus in June for 3 days: Oh, and bring your pets: They’re welcome, too! Learn more here: BlogPaws 2016 Conference.

What social media platform do you struggle with most?

carol bryantCarol Bryant is the Marketing and Social Media Manager for BlogPaws and runs her own blog, Fidose of Reality and its fundraising arm, Wigglebutt Warriors. When not busy playing with her Cocker Spaniel, Dexter, she stays far away from cooking. Her trademark is her mantra and is tattooed on her arm: My Heart Beats Dog.®



Images: bikeriderlondon/Shutterstock and Milles Studio/Shutterstock

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