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Create Pet Blog Content In A Snap

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

It’s Friday and that means you’re looking at another week coming up for filling your blog with content, right? What can you do to create pet blog content in a snap? I have some tried and true methods that I pull out when I need to create posts in a jiffy or when I need to really maximize the time spent for my blogging tasks.

Here are my top three ways to create content quickly:

  1. Just do it! Whether you have an hour or 30 minutes you can at least begin the outline of a blog post. Set aside specific time during your week — or on the weekend — and bang out a few blog posts. You will become more productive and be able to cat typingproduce quality content once you’re in the routine of “this is my writing time.” The more you procrastinate the longer it will eventually take you because procrastination is mentally draining.  If you can only grab 15 minutes at a time, use that time wisely and write what you can in that small pocket then come back to it the next time you have the 15 minute pocket. PS if you wait for time to magically appear you will be waiting a long time. You need to make it happen and take advantage of it when it presents itself.
  2. Keep an idea notebook and use an editorial calendar. Having these two items will mean you will have fresh content from which to choose when it comes time to create your next blog post.
  3. Evergreen content is your friend. Do you know how at the first of every year, the magazines all seem to have topics like, “10 ways to a great new year,” or “10 ways to lose weight in the new year,” or “10 tips for organizing your life in the new year,” or “best child and pet friendly vacation spots…” You get the picture. Evergreen content is that content that is perpetually new as long as you give it a bit of a tweak. Update your evergreen content so that it appears current and incorporates the latest technology or newest pet trends. Did you write a post that garnered a lot of comments and views? Can that be expanded upon or reinvented? Did someone leave a comment that could lead to your revisiting the post and adding a new spin? Take it and run with it.

There are your three quick and dirty ways to create pet blog content in limited amounts of time. The post is short and sweet so you can get to your own writing!

What tips do you have for creating content? Believe me it’s not always easy to keep the content coming!

(Photo: Shutterstock Black cat on computer)

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