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BlogPaws Conference Holiday Sweepstakes


The calendar says December and that means it’s time for the BlogPaws Holiday Sweepstakes. One of the greatest gifts we can give our growing community of bloggers and microbloggers is that of education.

Established in the summer of 2009, before anyone ever thought of bringing pet people together via social media, BlogPaws grew from a start of around 200 pet parents and brands, to the nearly 3,000 members in our community today.

We continue to support all things pet, via our blogger outreach programs, our BlogPawsChats and BlogPawties on Twitter, and our national social media conference. We teach bloggers to get their blogging careers off the ground and help them to grow and escalate once they are established.

Now, it’s time to celebrate Giving Month at BlogPaws by giving the BlogPaws 2014 Conference attendees an unheralded opportunity to get some one-on-one time with a certain someone in our Holiday Sweepstakes.  Here’s the scoop:

If you register (or have registered) for the BlogPaws 2014 Conference by December 30, 2013, simply fill out the Rafflecopter entry below and you will be entered in the sweepstakes.

What Are the Prizes?

BlogPaws will randomly draw three winners. Each winner will receive a one-on-one session, in person at the BlogPaws Conference, in Vegas.  BlogPaws Staff will assign each winner of this sweepstakes to one of the following speakers:


Denise Wakeman: Get the down low and questions answered on G+. Denise Wakeman is the founder of The Blog Squad and an Online Visibility Mentor, and co-Founder of The Future of Ink with Dr. Ellen Britt.

Denise has been using the Internet with great success as a marketing tool since 1996 and is  an expert at helping authors, speakers, service professionals, and small business owners leverage blogs for their business, as well as strategically use social media tools to boost online visibility to get more traffic, leads, clients and opportunities.  She writes regularly on two marketing blogs, is  a contributing author on SocialMediaExaminer.com, has  co-authored several blogging programs and frequently speaks at conferences and workshops about business blogging and how to gain expert status through social marketing. I have been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, Newsday, Canada’s National Post, FastCompany Online, as well as many other on and offline publications. http://DeniseWakeman.com/



Rose Hamilton: Rose will discuss online content strategy with you. As the Chief Marketing Office for Pet360, Rose has over two decades of experience in building direct-to-consumer, multi-channel businesses with expertise in e-commerce strategy, direct response marketing, brand building, and consumer analytics/insights. Rose served as the Vice President of E-commerce for Ann Taylor and LOFT brands, where, much like the strategic Border Collie who gathers the herd together, she oversaw online marketing strategy and analytics for anntaylor.com and loft.com, focusing on bringing the brands to life in the online environment to drive multi-channel customer acquisition, engagement and conversion. Rose resides with her husband, daughter, 17-year old rescue dog, Pepper, and Fishy the Beta Fish.


Matt Beswick: Matt Beswick is the face of SEO, and at an advanced level. Based in the UK, Matt has been following BlogPaws since pretty much day onw. He runs Pet365 (pet365.co.uk) – a UK based pet retailer, along with Hidden Pixel (hiddenpixel.com), which is a UK Digital Agency that works with businesses of all shapes and sizes. He has three dogs (two Miniature Schnauzers and a Giant Schnauzer), grew up on a farm, and has a fairly unhealthy penchant for Southern Comfort. Find him on his personal blog – mattbeswick.co.uk or Twitter – @mattbeswick.


Where Will These Exclusive Meetings Take Place?

You will be privy to a separate room so that you can learn and connect with your selected business professional ONE-ON-ONE! You can talk about topics important to you, ask questions, and gain valuable knowledge from these experts in their respective fields.  

Whether you know someone who blogs and wants to take their career to the next level or you yourself are a blogger at any stage, the BlogPaws 2014 Conference can help you reach your goals.

Remember, only folks who have registered for the 2014 BlogPaws Conference to date and those who do so no later than December 30, 2013, are eligible. 

Here is the Rafflecopter Form to Enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Santa, I’ve been such a good girl this year it would be a present that mama would really LOVE to jump start her career and meet all kinds of pet parents (pp’s).
    Sue & Boo

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