5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Start a Pet Blog

You’ve been reading blogs for awhile now. You’ve tossed and turned thinking about how to start your own pet blog. You have a message and a topic that you’re passionate about, and you want to help others by sharing your expertise with the world.

If creating a blog is something you’ve wanted to do but weren’t sure where to start, then this post is a great place to begin. We’ve put together five questions to ask yourself before you start a pet blog.

5 Questions to Ask Before You Start a Pet Blog

1. Do I Have Enough Time to Blog?

Starting a blog, creating content, promoting content, and building a community takes a lot of time and effort. Blogging is a long-term commitment. It requires consistency in order to build up momentum. You cannot post once or twice a month and expect to grow a large following. You will need to be consistent and committed to your blogging goals. How much time can you commit per day/per week to make your blogging dreams a reality?

Read This: The Business of Blogging: Think Like a Boss!

2. Can I Handle the Silence?

When you first start blogging, you’re lucky if anyone reads your content. I don’t say this to discourage you. I say it because it’s true. Building up a loyal following and impressive traffic will take time. Can you handle the silence when you pour your heart and soul into your posts only to have a handful of people read it? In these times, it’s crucial that you stay consistent and patient. Quitting or taking a break is the worst thing you can do for the health of your blog. Make sure you are prepared to handle the times when it feels like nobody is listening.

Related Post: How to Be a Confident Influencer

3. Will I Ever Get Sick of Blogging?

Can you write about your topic for the next five years? A lot of bloggers start out blogging about one topic and change directions later. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, if you want to be known as “THE” expert in your niche then you need to be mindful of this from the beginning. This is why it’s so important to have a blogging strategy with your niche defined. Your niche is the topic that you blog about. Are you passionate enough about your niche and your purpose to create content for the long haul?

4.  Am I Ready to Promote Myself?

Ahh. Self promotion. A lot of writers and bloggers are introverts at heart. The thought of self promotion makes our hearts skip a beat. In order to have your message heard, you need to get comfortable with self promotion. Nobody is going to do this for you, at least not in the beginning. If you want to grow your traffic and be seen as an influencer, you need to be on social media. Social media is where you connect with readers and promote your content. Part of your blogging strategy should include your social media marketing plan.

5. Do I Have a Community for Support?

Another way to grow your blog is to surround yourself with supportive people that get you. In the blogging world we like to call this your community. Blogging can be a lonely job but there are tons of other people out here to help cheer you on. Having a supportive community will help get you through the tough times. BlogPaws is your pet blogging community and it’s free to join. As a member, you get access to courses, support groups, weekly Twitter chats, and daily boosts to help grow your traffic. Join here!

Ready to Start a Pet Blog? Get Our FREE Starter Kit!

We have put together the ultimate starter kit for pet influencers. This course includes the step by step process, action plans, resources, and much more to start a pet blog.  This is THE starter kit for aspiring pet influencers! Join the BlogPaws SLC (it’s free!) to get access to the Pet Influencer Starter Kit. Plus, as a member of the BlogPaws SLC, you get access to our other courses, private groups, and a huge community of pet influencers that are here to help you.

Pet Influencer Starter Kit Enroll Free

Now what? Join the discussion!

What questions do you have about starting a pet blog? Leave a comment down below and join the discussion.

Aimee Beltran is the Director of Community Education for BlogPaws. She also writes two blogs, Irresistible Icing and Irresistible Pets with her Chihuahua, Chuy. Aimee is passionate about her mission, “create an irresistible life you can’t resist!” She loves anything with glitter, kayaking, and spending time at the beach.


By Stokkete/Shutterstock.com

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