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Enter the BlogPaws #SeniorPetsContest on Instagram

senior pet contest

Do you have a senior pet? Then now is your pet’s chance to shine for all the world to see: Enter the #SeniorPetsContest on Instagram and your pet might win one of three $50 gift cards to shop at PetSmart. This contest ends August 16th, so hurry!

What Type of Photos Do I Submit? Show us your dapper dog, cute kitty, hissy snake, sweet ferret, or any pet as long as they are a senior pet.

You must include a caption that includes the pet’s name and age along with the hashtag #SeniorPetsContest to be eligible. Photos without this information will not be considered.

Checklist of Must Do’s:

  • Each photo must include the Hashtag #SeniorPetsContest to be eligible
  • Photos must be uploaded to the participant’s Instagram account
  • No limit on number of photos that may be entered
  • You must own the photo

What If I Don’t Have an Instagram Account?

Create one for free: It’s easy.

REMEMBER: All entries must use the Hashtag #SeniorPetsContest. We would love for you to follow @BlogPaws but it is not mandatory in order to win.

**About the Contest:**

This Contest is sponsored by the BlogPaws Pet Blogger Network. There is no purchase necessary in order to be eligible to win and is void where prohibited. This contest is open to anyone that resides in the United States and is over the age of 18. One winner per household. Employees of Pet360, Inc. and PetSmart and their immediate families are ineligible. This Contest will be open from 08/03 – 08/16/15 and closes at 11:59pm ET on 08/16/15. Winners will be notified with their picture showcased on the @BlogPaws Instagram Account tagging you as the winner on or about August 18th and will have 24 hours to respond to the before forfeiting their prize. Incomplete entries will be considered void. Intentionally false entries will be disqualified.

**About the Prizes**

Three winners will be selected by the judges for one dog, one cat, and one any other pet (i.e. ferret, hamster, rabbit, snake, fish, bird, horse, etc). Each winner receives a $50 PetSmart gift card. Winner must provide a shipping address in order for us to ship their prize. Odds of winning depend on total number of entries received during the giveaway period. Contest and promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or other Social Media Platform.

**About the Judging**

Select members of the BlogPaws Executive Team will act as judges for this contest. Each entry will be judged on Originality, Image Quality, and Adherence to Senior Pets theme. Your account must be an open account so that the judges are able to view your entry. Multiple entries are welcome but please do not overdo it and upset your followers! We want this to be a fun contest. We will select one dog, one cat, and one “other” pet.

**The Small Print**

By entering this contest you give permission to Pet360, Inc and PetSmart to share your image on any of their Owned and Operated Properties or on any of their Social Media Accounts with credit given to you. Owned and Operated Properties include Pet360.com, BlogPaws.com, PetFoodDirect.com, petMD.com

Complete BlogPaws Rules here.

Can BlogPaws Photo Contests Help Me Grow?

Yes! In addition to being a lot of fun and providing an opportunity to win a $50 PetSmart gift card, entering the BlogPaws Photo Contests on Instagram means you can:

* Gain more followers by engaging with people

* Network and meet new folks, thus raising blog awareness

* Be a part of the overall Instagram community and learn

* Get LIKES and engage with friends and followers

Share the badge on your blog in honor of Aging Pets:

Aging Pets


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