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Dog Writers Association Announces Winners at Annual Event

Pomp, circumstance, accolades, awards, and the fur flying: These are a few of the things crossing my path at a dog-filled trek to New York City, which included coverage of the Dog Writers’ Association seminar and luncheon/awards.

Here’s what went down, who won, and how you can get involved in pet blogging and pitch BlogPaws your editorial ideas for consideration:

DWAA winners

Dog Writer’s Association Seminar and Awards Luncheon

For the first time in its 81-year history, the Dog Writers’ Association held a seminar and award luncheon instead of the time honored dinner and awards. Yours truly spoke at the event on the topic of “The Ins and Outs of Blogging,” to a very attentive and eager audience.

For those in attendance, some of the links I mentioned for further information and reference included. If you didn’t attend, here are some fab posts and tools for bloggers:

Carol and Debra

BlogPaws’ Carol Bryant (left) with Debra Vey Voda-Hamilton BlogPaws Table Topic Speaker: Mediation for Pet Bloggers

Join the BlogPaws Community

For those in attendance at the DWAA function, I mentioned the BlogPaws Community, which is a fantastic forum with thousands of members. It is free, functional, useful, and we are presently teaching you how to grow a blog by 10,000 visitors a month. Join the BlogPaws Community here.

Write for Us: BlogPaws Contributor Guidelines

Paid Opportunities

We are thrilled to announce that the BlogPaws blog is now accepting pitches for paid contributions!

We have created a set of guidelines on how to pitch and how to write for us once your pitch has been accepted. (Clicking that link will open a PDF in a new tab.) Please download and review, then read on for more information.

BlogPaws Conference

I walked into a conference in 2010 with the notion of figuring out my next career step in life. I walked out a changed woman. Though there are hundreds, if not more, conferences that a person can attend these days, there is none that has ever had the profound impact on my life like BlogPaws.

BlogPaws yearly conferences bring together hundreds of pet bloggers, pet enthusiasts, shelters, rescues, and the brands who serve them, for social media education, networking, and promoting worldwide change for pets in need. This means if you like pets in some capacity: Whether that’s on a traditional blog or a microblog, like Facebook/Pinterest/Twitter, etc., this is the conference for you. Lifestyle bloggers attend the conference because brands understand that families come in all shapes and forms: From traditional mom and dad to two dads to single moms raising a dog and everything in between.

Where and When: BlogPaws Conference 2016 takes place June 23-25th in Phoenix, Arizona at the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass and Spa Resort.

Pets Welcome? Yes.

More Info: BlogPaws 2016 Conference

BlogPaws or Bust badge

Win a Trip to BlogPaws: BlogPaws or Bust

The time has come!!!! It’s that time of year – BlogPaws or Bust! Time! This is your chance to share your creativity for a chance to win a trip to the BlogPaws 2016 Conference at the gorgeous Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort in Phoenix, Arizona, from June 23 – 25, 2016.

• One Grand Prize winner will receive a trip for one to the BlogPaws 2016 Conference including airfare, 4 nights’ hotel at the host hotel, and registration worth up to $1550!
• One Second place winner will receive 4 nights hotel at the host hotel of the BlogPaws 2016 Conference and registration worth approximately $950!
• One Third place winner will receive one blogger registration to the BlogPaws 2016 Conference worth $229!


ENTER HERE: http://blogp.ws/1O5nyZw



The Dog Writers Association of America (DWAA) has announced the winners of the 2015 Writing Competition. These were announced at DWAA banquet on February 14, 2016 at the Pennsylvania Hotel in New York City. The event precedes the annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

Presenters for the seminar that proceeded the awards and luncheon included multi-award-winning writer & longtime Seattle Times columnist Ranny Green, award-winning writer & American Kennel Club editor Mara Bovsun, Dogwise publishers Larry and Charlene Woodward and BlogPaws PR Manager &  Fidose of Reality writer/blogger Carol Bryant.

Yours truly was a finalist for blog of the year and a special award.

DWAA panel

Expert panel at DWAA luncheon and seminars

Visit the complete list of DWAA 2015 Finalists and winners.

Dog typing image: Edward Fielding/Shutterstock.com

carol bryantAbout the Author: Carol Bryant is the Marketing and Social Media Manager for BlogPaws and runs her own blog, Fidose of Reality and its fundraising arm, Wigglebutt Warriors®. When not busy playing with her Cocker Spaniel, Dexter, she stays far away from cooking. Her trademark is her mantra and is tattooed on her arm: My Heart Beats Dog.®


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