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Celebrating a Big Day: International Rabbit Day

Cute Bunnies

Yes. It’s time. It’s time to give RABBITS their due.

I have not had the privilege of being a Mom to a rabbit. I have seen rabbits in homes and had friends who were loving parents to rabbits, but personally, I think I have missed the joy of this. I do consider it… for a future time.

How many of you knew it was International Rabbit Day today? BunnyJean Cook knew… . Bunny’s Blog for Animals & Animal-Related Causes has been around… golly, just as long as BlogPaws, I think. Bunny Jean (yes, I know… that’s not the person’s name…but Vicky understands), was at the first BlogPaws and she contributes a great deal of honest, educational, useful content about all sorts of animals… while under the title Bunny’s Blog. I do know that it all started with a treasured rabbit. Bunny Jean was a big part of all of our lives, back in those early days of BlogPaws. It was through her blog that I came to respect and love rabbits as wondrous creatures of warmth and delight. I honor Bunny’s Blog today, although the Pawsome Pet it represents is no longer with us… because her Mom continues to share GREAT content, in honor of her love for Bunny.

Our own Felissa Elfenbein wrote a great post back at Easter time. I’ll share, in honor of International Rabbit Day. She wrote, “How to Care for a Pet Bunny“… noting, “…I don’t necessarily think bunnies belong in Easter Baskets [but] they still pop their sweet little faces out of them all over the world. If you are going to get a bunny it is important to know how to care for them.” This was/is on her Two Little Cavaliers blog and I wonder if her two little dogs every came in contact with a bunny? If you’re reading this, Felissa, do share in the comments. Tell us all about it!

International Rabbit Day

Over on the House Rabbit Society dot org site, there is a post titled, “Are You a Rabbit Person?” I Totally LOVE this post! It’s also available to print… but, let me share the salient points…

Are you the right kind of person to live with a rabbit? Would a rabbit be the right pet for you? Rabbits make wonderful companions for the right people.

  • Are you patient?
  • Have a sense of humor?
  • Do you enjoy watching the movements and learning the language of another species?
  • Does your schedule include plenty of time at home?
  • Are you comfortable spending a lot of time on the floor?
  • Are you not overly fussy with your furniture?

If every shelter or rescue site on the planet would share this bullet list with all people who adopt any kind of pet, but yes, especially rabbits because they are totally misunderstood… how much would that help over time? How many of us understand the patience needed to adopt? The sense of humor? Everything listed here is vitally important to recognize. The last bullet spoke to me… I have learned not to be overly fussy with my furniture. Have you? Included on that page is a statement that made my jaw drop: Did you know “rabbits can purr when contented.” I didn’t!

It’s so important to take time to learn about the pet your are adopting. And there is NO excuse for not learning.

Over on The Bunny Chick, you can learn how to clean up after your rabbit (do you have vinegar around…that’s good); or how to judge your rabbit vet on staff inaccuracy; and even why rabbits aren’t for children… (I think the point she makes to expose the misconception that “rabbits are cheap pets”… is so important!). With great resources like this, it’s our job, we folks in the pet community, to celebrate and share International Rabbit Day, and to then get the information we learn out there, like Felissa did in her post.

Oh yeah, hop over to my little pet blog, if you have a chance, and read my post, too. I had to share this exciting day and make a few other comments…because you know that’s what I do. Scratchings and Sniffings is about the human animal bond…and I know people bond with their rabbits, each and every day.

What are YOU doing to celebrate this day? Did you write a blog post? Share it in our comments section below. We are all ears! (pun intended!)

International Rabbit Day

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