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Cats Taking Over Social Media

Cats on social media

Admit it, cat parents: Felines have taken a stronghold online. Indeed, cats taking over social media is no surprise to throngs of cat moms and dads. Cat ownership and popularity continues to soar and 43 million cat parents can’t be wrong. We are a feline-loving nation, with cats dominating web video, memes, and Instagram feeds. Frisky felines showcasing their fun uninhibited mannerisms online are a worldwide phenomenon.

According to the 2015-2016 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, 65 percent of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 79.7 million homes. Of that number, nearly 43 million cats call American households their home.

BlogPaws Embraces the Meow

In an effort to improve the quality of cat information both online and in print to the general public, the Cat Writers’ Association has once again teamed up with BlogPaws to participate in their growing, engaged and original pet community and social media marketing conference.

The pet-friendly BlogPaws 2016 Conference takes place at the Sheraton Wildhorse Pass Resort & Spa, near Phoenix, Arizona, June 23 to 25, 2016. During that time, the CWA will join the BlogPaws Conference with their Annual Event. In addition to CWA-branded workshops and seminars, the CWA will also host a book signing event, as well as one-on-one editor and agent appointments. Finally, the annual gala CWA Awards Banquet (separately ticketed, open to everyone) will present more than $10,000 in cash and other prizes.

For more than 20 years, annual CWA Conferences have focused on writing, publishing, and marketing education for its professional members and has mentored newer writers. In 2010, many CWA members discovered the extraordinary blogger and social media education and influence offered by the BlogPaws Conferences. After a successful CWA-branded Writers Track held during the 2015 BlogPaws Nashville conference, both attendees and organizers agreed that these two powerhouse groups not only work well together, but provide their members with valuable training and education, giving rise to added cooperation in 2016.

Register for BlogPaws

Is Cat Writer’s Just for Cats?

Amy ShojaiPurr, no! Amy Shojai, the Conference/Events Chair and a founder of the CWA, says that while CWA members focus on cat topics, many of us love and write about other ‘pet’ topics, you can expect CWA-branded sessions apply to writers across the board, whether they write nonfiction or fiction about cats, dogs, ferrets, or even people.

The Association promotes mentorship for new writers, provides writing/publishing educational opportunities, and seeks to improve the quality of cat information by recognizing and rewarding outstanding published work in its annual contest.

Read more and get answers to FAQs about BlogPaws and the CWA by clicking here.

More Cat News

On Thursday, October 29th, National Cat Day, BlogPaws called upon this community to help raise funds for cats in need!

For each participant who signed up, BlogPaws promised to make a $1 donation to the Winn Feline Foundation, up to $1,000! The Winn Feline Foundation is a non-profit which supports funding for the health of all cats. The campaign ran for 24 hours.  A total of 563 links were submitted, and that means $563 dollars is being donated to the Winn Feline Foundation on behalf of the BlogPaws Community, supporting #NationalCatDay.

Love Cats and Want More?

Check out guest blogger, Janea Kelley’s blog post, Adopt an Adult Cat for a Lifetime of Love.

Now What

If You Aren’t a Blogger….Should You Still Attend BlogPaws 2016 in Arizona?


As the folks from CWA so eloquently shared, “Many writers feel challenged or frustrated by blogging because today they’re told by editors, publishers, agents, PR professionals and TV/Radio booking producers that “blogging is required” to establish credentials and build platform, but not HOW to do it. BlogPaws Conference 2015 will help answer those questions.”

For complete details and to get the early bird pricing from BlogPaws, click here.

Are you a cat lover? In what way(s) are you blogging, writing, or in any way involved with cats?




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