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BlogPaws Community Chatter: Brand Program Tip & Newbie Questions

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

Is it feeling like spring your part of the world? In New York, where I am there is still snow on the ground, there’s been frost on my car and it is supposed to be in the low 20 degree range this weekend — not spring for me yet!

In the BlogPaws Community we work with many of our pet bloggers in areas such as blogging tips, newbie questions for those shutterstock_146078894resattending the BlogPaws Conference for the first time and we recently offered a brand program tip for those bloggers in the community that work with our brands on programs and promotions.

Many of the bloggers that are part of the BlogPaws Community are at a tipping point with their blogs where they need a little bit of oomph to propel them toward greater heights. The Community groups — BlogTalk and the Writer’s Group — provide a forum for bloggers to ask questions, share blog posts they’ve written and learn from the tips and hints provided there. This week in the Writer’s Group we asked, “Have you ever written a press release about yourself?” Have you?

Our BlogPaws Newbies group is a place where many first time BlogPaws Conference attendees gather. Caren Gittleman fields most of the questions asked there. The questions range from: How many dogs can I have in my hotel room, to how should I dress for a BlogPaws Conference to, when is the shuttle running and everything in between. Don’t let the “newbie” title keep you from interacting because many friendships are forged in this group prior to the conference and this is the group where on-site coffee dates are organized and room shares are discussed. Don’t forget whether you’re a newbie or a veteran you can plan to attend the Newbies Breakfast at the conference.

Don’t forget if you’re just joining the BlogPaws Community there is a Community Newcomers group ready and available to welcome you and answer your questions.

Felissa Elfenbein, our Blogger Outreach and Communications Manager kicked off a series of tips for bloggers that want to work with brands. If you receive the BlogPaws emails when we are searching for bloggers to join the brand programs, this is a topic you will want to follow and tips you will want to incorporate into your own blogging endeavors. Read Felissa’s tip in the BlogTalk group.

If you’re new to BlogPaws, blogging or the Community jump in, get your paws wet and interact with fellow pet lovers and pet bloggers. What topic would you like to see discussed or question would you like to have answered in the BlogPaws Community?

(Photo: Shutterstock Rabbits in meadow)

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