American Humane Association and BlogPaws Salute Veterans

Veterans Day is a time to honor military veterans who courageously served our country, and this should include our four-footed veterans. Military working dogs have been used by the U.S. armed forces since World War I. They serve side-by-side with service members in combat missions, saving the lives of an estimated 150 to 200 military service member’s each, and are deserving of recognition for their bravery and service.
The American Humane Association has been working to bring home and reunite hero war dogs serving abroad with their former military handlers. This Veterans Day, American Humane Association will be participating in the 2014 American’s Parade in New York along with eight military working dogs (MWD) and their former handlers to celebrate their commitment and service to our country.
BlogPaws will have exclusive photos from the event that we plan to share on our Facebook page post event.
Be the Change for Pets: BlogPaws
The American Humane Association also held a congressional briefing on Capitol Hill to advocate for the return and reunification of all four-footed veterans who served abroad, including in Iraq and Afghanistan.

- The parade will proceed up Fifth Avenue from 26th to 52nd Streets between 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
- 21,000 Participants
- 4 Medal of Honor Recipients
- Six military hero dog teams
- 240 marching units
- 500,000 spectators along parade route
- 40 floats
- 100 vehicles
- Television broadcast in New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Baltimore, Orlando, Minneapolis, Phoenix.
The American Humane Association will have its own float and will also be joined by TV personalities Ice-T and Coco. Ice-T, an Army veteran, and his wife Coco are advocates of American Humane Association.
In honor and respect, here are the participating veterans and their military dogs. Links go to the reunion coverage of each veteran and their military dog.
- Corporal Jeff DeYoung and MWD Cena
- Sergeant Jason Bos and MWD Cila
- Sergeant James Harrington and MWD Ryky
- Corporal Jonathan Cavender and MWD Maxi
- Sergeant Omar Peña and CWD Mariah
- Corporal Nick Caceres and MWD Fieldy
Join BlogPaws in saluting all the veterans and their pets who give so freely of themselves. We honor and salute you today and always.
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