Search Results for: email marketing

woman typing on computer | 5 Tips to Leverage Storytelling in Email Marketing

5 Tips to Leverage Storytelling in Email Marketing

Email inboxes are overflowing with every kind of email under the sun: good emails, bad emails, sales emails, pitch emails, spam emails, abandoned cart emails, emails with the freebie you just downloaded, and some really great emails too. There are also examples of great storytelling in email marketing. They are the emails that keep you…

person using email on a cellphone by a laptop | Email Marketing Basics for Small Pet Business Owners
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Email Marketing Basics for Small Pet Business Owners

In a world where social platforms get so much attention, small pet business owners should not be overlooking the benefits of email marketing. When it comes to growing a community where you own the information (no shade to Meta… okay, maybe a little), understanding email marketing basics is imperative. There is no better way to…

Cat in man's lap | How to Use Personalization in Email Marketing
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How to Use Personalization in Email Marketing

Hey there. Hey you. Hi. Each of those are an introduction, but none are as effective as when you put in a person’s name and say, “Hi Sharlene.” Obviously, Sharlene is a placeholder for a person’s first name, but the point is that creating personalization in email marketing will help you build relationships with your…

woman sitting in front of computer petting cat | 38 Email Marketing Terms Every Pet Business Owner Should Know
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38 Email Marketing Terms Every Pet Business Owner Should Know

Contrary to what some may think, email marketing is NOT dead. In fact, it is one of the best ways to grow and nurture your audience. That being said, with all the email marketing terms that are tossed around, it’s easy to feel lost.  What’s a CTA? Or a hard bounce? What about KPIs? Are…

Woman's hand with email envelopes coming out of it and into a computer screen
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12 Emails to Add to Your Email Marketing Plan in 2021

Running a small pet business meaning sending emails. Sometimes a LOT of emails. In order to maximize the impact your emails have it’s important to consider adding different types of emails to your email marketing plan. Most small pet businesses we work with have figured out the email newsletter part, or send an update of…

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How to Get More Blog Traffic with Email Marketing

If you blog, what is one thing you forever wish for and we all could really use on a regular basis? Readers, right? Crystal Gouldey of Perkasie (about an hour from Philadelphia), Pennsylvania, knows a thing or two about how to get more readers. Through the magic of email marketing, she will be showing folks…

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Why Email marketing is still important

 As noted by our email marketing session presenter, Gene Sower of Samson Media, email is still a viable resource. "It was the first social media," Gene told me, when he and I talked. This graphic demonstrates how and why Gene is right. Are you using email marketing effectively? Over on Gene's blog, he has a…

dog wearing glasses working at computer | Beginner’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing by Email

Beginner’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing by Email

If you have a growing email list, you may now find yourself wondering how you can monetize your efforts. After all, email marketing requires significant time and effort. Your time is valuable, and you deserve to be paid for your work! For small pet business owners selling their products and services, the answer may seem…

woman working on a laptop and cuddling a golden lab | Level Up Your Content Marketing with AI for SEO
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Level Up Your Content Marketing with AI for SEO

Are you struggling to create SEO-friendly content that ranks high in search results for your small pet business? You’re not alone! Between the recent updates (and upsets) relating to Google as a search platform and the introduction of AI into content creation, many small business owners are left feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope. At…

two dogs working at a computer | All About Google’s New Email Sender Guidelines For 2024
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All About Google’s New Email Sender Guidelines For 2024

In October 2023, Google announced new email sender guidelines for bulk senders to Gmail accounts. They call these “Email Sender Guidelines,” and while Google titles them “guidelines,” they make it clear that these are requirements. There is a lot to unpack here. First and foremost, while Google states this applies to bulk senders (anyone who…

woman smiling and working at a computer | How to Set Yourself Up for Inbound Marketing Success in 2024
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How to Set Yourself Up for Inbound Marketing Success in 2024

In the ever-changing world of digital marketing, many phrases and buzzwords exist. It can be challenging to decide where to focus your attention to set your business up for online success. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for business marketing, some strategies will resonate better with small businesses like those in the BlogPaws community. One…