
Pets of Home Bound Elderly Receive Heavenly Aid

From The Editor’s Desk: We love it when people work together to the benefit of pets and their pet parents. This is a case where pet Animeals - Man and dog lo res (3)food will be provided to lower income pet owners so that neither has to do without. Thank you for Being The Change For Pets!

On Tuesday, February 18 the Helen Woodward Animal Center’s AniMeals Program will be on-site at the Oceanside Senior Center to celebrate its new partnership with The Angel’s Depot.  The heartwarming union will provide pet food to an increased number of low income seniors and is being made possible by a truly angelic donor, a former AniMeals volunteer who passed away in 2013. The donation, made anonymously in her honor by her family will be a beneficial coupling of the two non-profits.

AniMeals is a pet-food-on-wheels program that provides regular meals free of charge for the dogs and cats of home-bound elderly and disabled people.  The mission of the program is to help keep people and their companion pets together by eliminating one of the logistical and financial impediments to proper pet care.

The Angel’s Depot was founded in 2005 with a specific goal of meeting the nutritional needs of seniors who are at-risk for malnutrition and living with the anxiety of food insecurity.  Senior Emergency Meal Boxes are provided to 900 seniors monthly, who struggle with an average income of $765 per month.


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