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5 Innovative Ways to Earn New Followers

Do you ever feel like you’re crawling uphill to keep pace with algorithm changes? Or what was that ideal size to attract readers on Pinterest again? How about those platform changes… was it Twitter? Or Instagram?

5 new ways to earn followers

We all want to grow and earn new followers, but sometimes it’s hard to figure out the what and the how of it all. Step back from the keyboard and take a fresh look. Here are five algorithm-free ways to earn new followers!

Attend local meetups

Recently, I chatted with an acquaintance who moved across country. She told me her trick for meeting likeminded people in a new place: searching for meetups online! She joined a dog walking club, a monthly hiking club, and even a kickball league, all sourced from websites like meetup.com. Finding events where people share your interests—say, a monthly knitting group that whips up blankets for shelter cats, or a doggy play group—allows you to get to know other people authentically. Making meaningful, in-person connections expands your network in a natural, friendly way.

Volunteer your unique talents

My local animal shelter hosts Facebook pages for some of their longest or most special residents. It’s an easy way to get their faces and stories out to an array of adopters. As a pet blogger and social media pro, you have a unique set of skills that many nonprofits crave. Whether it’s managing a page for a needy animal or promoting an upcoming fundraiser, most shelters, rescues, and advocacy organizations need your skills. It’s a great way to put yourself out there—virtually—and connect with others in the organization or who share the same passions online.

Wear your heart (or… brand) on your sleeve

Or your bumper or pen or T-shirt. Pick a few pieces of flair to showcase your logo, tagline, or URL. Be prepared with a witty elevator speech when someone asks you about your brand-emblazoned swag, and keep one or two extras, if possible, to hand out to those who are curious.

Sponsor an event or animal

Many pet bloggers and social media experts are involved with animal welfare in some way, including as a financial supporter of events, animals, and shelters. The next time you donate or sponsor, consider doing so as the name of your blog or social handle. It’s a great way to still give to the cause, but rather than using your own name, you’re getting your website out there to likeminded people who might just go home and look you up!

Follow outside your sphere

Lots of bloggers and social media superstars have pets—not just pet bloggers! Find some people outside the pet niche who speak to you. I love a mix of yoga and lifestyle blogs that I subscribe to for weekly email updates. When you find a few you like, follow and leave kind, thoughtful comments (with your URL linked, of course). Following someone outside your immediate sphere of influence gets your name out to fresh faces and potential readers, while building connections in other corners of the web.

5 new ways to earn followers (1)

Have you tried any of the above? What are your fresh ways to earn new followers? Any tips for connecting with new readers? Do you have any offline ways of finding new followers?

Maggie Marton serves as the BlogPaws senior editor. When not hiking with her two pit mixes, Emmett and Cooper, or playing with Newt the Cat, Maggie writes about them (and the pet industry) at ohmydogblog.com and maggiemarton.com

Images: Prathan Chorruangsak/Shutterstock.com

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