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3 Ways to Repurpose Video Content

Video content is on the rise.

Let’s be real, it’s been on the rise for quite some time now. There are 500 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute – every minute! And with over 1 billion videos being watched per day, it’s safe to say video isn’t going anywhere.

Are you creating video content?

Whether you’ve jumped into video or not (yet), it’s important to think about how you can get the most content out of each video. For the most part, we’re talking videos that are at least a few minutes long.

It doesn’t matter whether your videos are hosted on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, your website, or some other place. When it comes to how to repurpose your video content, all of these tips apply.

Screenshot with 6 people on screen from a COFFEE Chat Facebook Live

Three ways to repurpose your video content

These tips are simple ways to take your video content and turn it into other types of content that will continue to raise awareness of your brand and continue to spread your message.


You’ve completed your video. It doesn’t matter whether it was a pre-recorded video or a live video, like the COFFEE Chat screen capture above. It doesn’t even matter if it’s published yet, you can still repurpose it with a quote.

Find an impactful quote that was shared during the video or a fact that is interesting. Maybe you said it. Maybe a guest said it. Take that quote and create an image of it. We recommend square if you only want to make one size. Square tends to play well on most platforms and devices. (Emphasize on most.)

Now, Tweet that image with copy that invites people to watch the whole video. Share that image on Instagram and invite people to watch the whole video. Share that image on Facebook and, you guessed it, invite people to watch the whole video. Use that image in an email and invite people to watch the whole video

Share that quote image everywhere that you are active and drive more eyeballs to your video.


This tip requires the video to be done. It’s similar to the image quote, but with actual video content. You’re going to pull out a short snippet of the video to share everywhere that you are active – Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Email, Etc.

We recommend your snippet be anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds of video content. And make sure it’s the kind of content that people feel like they need to watch completely. Make them want to know how it ends. Don’t forget to invite them to watch the full video.

Think of the snippet as your trailer for your longer video. Keep in mind the length of the trailer should be relative to the length of the video, but never longer than 60 seconds.

Blog Content

To repurpose your video on your blog, it needs to be done and hosted somewhere so you can embed it. It’s best to use YouTube or Facebook or a platform like Vimeo, so your site doesn’t have to carry the load of the video.

Now, to make the video a true blog post, write up some overall video notes of what people can learn from watching it. Or, like we do for many of our videos on allpetvoices.com, you can choose to have the whole video transcribed. The benefit there is that anyone who doesn’t want to watch the whole video can read the content instead.

Plus, you can optimize the content for SEO by writing your own intro and/or outro to the video, as well as getting in affiliate or product links where applicable (and with the proper disclosures.)

3 Ways to Repurpose Video Content with image of camera and person blurred in background

Repurposing your video content does not have to take a long time. If you are short on time, start with the quote images. If you are focused on writing for SEO, start with embedding on your blog with a few summary notes and move to full transcription as time and/or money allows.

No matter your goal for your content, one of these options can help you make the most of your video content.

Pro Tip: There is no reason you can’t go through past videos and repurpose the content now, as long as it’s still relevant.

The way we love repurposing video content the most? Through our blog. We like the dual video and blog content with SEO optimization.

How about you? How do you or how do you plan to repurpose your video content?

About the Author: Chloe DiVita, BlogPaws CEO, has 15+ years of experience in digital marketing, the pet industry, and as a greyhound mom. She’s earned accolades like, Pet Age’s 40 Under 40 and Muse Medallions from the Cat Writers’ Association. Formerly Executive Producer for TEDxCambridge, she brings storytelling and public speaking to her work with creators, leaders, and brands. Read more…

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