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Blog Hop: 25 Tips for Professional Bloggers

Have you been blogging a while? Perhaps you are just getting started on your blogging journey and need some help. This week’s Wordless Wednesday blog hop is dedicated to professional bloggers with a list of tips you can’t afford not to read. How do you know if you are a professional blogger?

  • Blogging is more than a hobby to you: It is a business.
  • You have an ethical foundation from which you operate, as blogger Janea Kelley explains.
  • Your social media thumbprint is highly reflective of your business. Being credible means when you write on social, whatever you say is reflective of your brand.
  • You continue your education: Do you keep your blog properly maintained on the “back end” (or have someone do it for you) AND do you learn about your topic and blogging in general on a regular basis? Educating bloggers is at the core of BlogPaws the company.

25 tips for pro bloggers

25 Tips for Professional Bloggers

Building an experienced, authoritative, voice in the blogosphere can be done, and with a plan in place, you can establish yourself as a credible voice as a professional blogger. Here are 25 tips to help keep you on track and take your blog to the next level:

  1. Re-examine your voice for blogging: Is your voice more conversational, teaching, or storytelling? Have you picked a style?
  2. Photo Tip: Update your old post images with more up-to-date shots using the latest easy-to-use photo editing apps.
  3. DYK: Patch is a smart portrait editing app for iOS users. It automatically edits images and gives a blurred background!
  4. Delete outdated/unused plugins. They pose security threats and possibly slow down the load times.
  5. Check and fix dead links. Google Webmaster Tools is one option, as is Broken Link Checker plugin for WP users.
  6. Test your blog on different screen sizes, browsers, and devices to ensure it displays properly.
  7. Your blog depends on this: Focus on developing cornerstone or evergreen content regularly.
  8. Do you know the optimal times to post content on social? Identify them with your social analytics.
  9. In most cases, using the active voice instead of the passive voice will make your sentences more powerful.
  10. Active or passive voice: When to use each and why. Great examples, too! 
  11. Help your readers and they will reward you ten times over. Solve a problem. Be a resource.
  12. Video Tip: The first six seconds of your video not only have to grab your viewers attention, but those six seconds have to drive the point across.
  13. Learn How to Create a Call to Action That Gets Readers Clicking.
  14. Always have a call to action: Perhaps you tease the call to action in the video itself. 
  15. Visit blogs of people in pet AND other niches. Leave comments, build on existing relationships, and forge new ones.
  16. SUPER important: Don’t one-and-done! 25 Ways to Promote a Blog Post After Publishing.
  17. Consider yourself a cause blogger but stuck in your growth? Read this post! –> https://blogpaws.com/executive-blog/what-cause-bloggers-need-to-know-about-influencer-marketing
  18. Pro Tip: Include an image top of your posts. Imagery entices readers to click and is much more welcoming than a text block.
  19. Affiliate marketing is an incredible resource for helping to make money through a blogging IF you have the traffic to support it.
  20. We are thrilled to announce that the BlogPaws blog is now accepting pitches for paid contributions! Read our editorial guidelines and pitch process here:
  21. Pinterest Tip: When working on Pins consider whether or not the content works for your most engaged board.
  22. Ninja Tip: Take your blog post and promote it with a one-minute video that you directly upload to Facebook.
  23. Create a top ten list on your blog, give one away on Facebook, and link back to the post with a catchy call to action.
  24. See what images people pin from blog posts. Do this by typing in www.pinterest.com/source/YOURWEBSITE
  25. Instagram Stories is an amazing way to promote a blog post.

25 tips for pro bloggers

Don’t Forget

Get the Latest in Social Media, Pet Blogging and Pet Influencer Education at the BlogPaws 2018 Conference in Kansas City, Missouri.  If you want the early bird rate before a sell out, claim your BlogPaws 2018 Conference tickets here.

The Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop

BlogPaws offers year-round interaction, activity, community and more to learn, earn, and connect. Visit and leave comments on other blogs to make some new buddies and maybe some new followers. You can add the button to your post and/or to your blog sidebar, either by cutting and pasting the image or using the HTML code below. Need help? Here it is:

How to Join a Blog Hop – BlogPaws Tutorial Video: Step by step help to get you started:


Images:   LOFTFLOWUndrey/ Shutterstock

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