2016 Social Media Holiday Challenge

2016 Holiday Social Media Challenge

We are so excited to announce BlogPaws’ 2016 Social Media Holiday Challenge!

This challenge is designed to help you feel more confident trying new things as we prepare to enter a new year. As we share tips, tricks, and action items, we’ll all learn how to grow our social channels while supporting each other through the Social Learning Community! Read why social learning is so important.

This course is broken out into the following lessons with topics that include actionable challenges:

  1. Week 1, November 21: Facebook (Live now!)
  2. Week 2, November 28: Twitter
  3. Week 3, December 5: Instagram
  4. Week 4, December 12: Pinterest
  5. Week 5, December 19: Recap and launch plan for 2017

Week one is underway!

In this week’s challenge, we are focusing on Facebook video. Before you do a Facebook video, determine what your video content will accomplish and who the target audience is.

  • Are the videos going to be funny? Educational? Insightful? A combo of all of these? Your blog’s tone and audience should help you make this decision.
  • Who is this content targeting? Know your reader and what they want: Google Analytics is your friend.
  • What is the video takeaway? What is the goal of your videos? Do you want people clicking over to your blog? What do you plan to do to make that happen? What is the problem your video is solving for your audience? Sometimes laughter is the goal: And that’s a factor, too. Bottom line: What will your videos help your readers/audience do?

Want to learn more? Join the challenge!

But first you have to join the BlogPaws community if you haven’t already!

Once in the community, click the Courses navigation along the top, and select the 2016 social media holiday challenge.

See you there!

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