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10 Reasons You Think You Can’t Attend That Big Conference

Not-the-camera-again …you know, like Blog World, or Savvy Blogging, or BlogHer OR… BlogPaws. We're talking conferences that not only provide a wealth of educational training and insight, but conferences that bring you together with the most important people in your life (next to your family) – your bloggy buddies!

10. You don't want to market yourself or your blog because it you and it, aren't ready for prime time.
— We, at BlogPaws, disagree. We want to meet you and learn more about your blog. By the time you leave BlogPaws, it will be ready for prime time and then some, I promise.

9. Conferences are not your thing. You're a solitary soul – you'd rather read about the conference on Twitter or Facebook.
— That's a valid reason, in my book. I'm a bit of a hermit, myself. If this is true of you – I encourage you to give BlogPaws a chance. It's not your every-day, ordinary conference. We have pets. 'Nuff said.

8. You're overcommitted with other activities or clients and can't get away.
— Again, another valid reason. However, this is your chance to meet your BESTEST blog buddies and THEIR pets! Cancel appointments and other activities. Seriously, your father's 90th birthday/your kid's recital/your sister's anniversary – will not be as much fun as being at BlogPaws! But, okay, if you can't make it, can you send someone in your place? There are TONS of bloggers looking for sponsors. They'll do you proud, I can promise that. BlogPaws-West-Conference

7. The conference is too far away. You live on the East Coast and the conference is on the West Coast. Or, you live on the West Coast and the conference is on the East Coast.
— Valid reason if this is 1900. It's not. It's 2011. Ever heard of planes? I hear they fly all over the world. And yet, I do understand this reason. Sad to say – I've used it myself, in the past. For those who just cannot make the trek to BlogPaws, or any other conference on the other side of the planet (so to speak), you can participate by joining our community and helping us understand how to make the conference available to you in other ways.

6. It's too expensive.
— Seriously? Not BlogPaws, right? BlogPaws is the best bet on the net! I do like saying that – it trips off the tongue so tripingly! We've kept registration at a low, low $179 and the hotel is at a low, low $119. While we know that total expenses can be a strain on budgets, we recommed options like: offering to roller-blade around main street advertising a local bank, restaurant, hobby shop, accident lawyer, or whatever, for money. Or, creating a YouTube video sensation of your dog/cat/ferret/chicken/favorite pet reciting the Pledge of Allegiance… sure to draw in the bucks if you link to your blog where you have a TipJar! Or, selling tickets to your pet performing the Macarena while you sing it. Who wouldn't pay to see that?

5. You think Blog World is too huge. You think Savvy Blogging is too cutesy. And, you're not a pet blogger.
— Well, okay. Blog World is huge. But, you don't have to embrace the hugeness. Just embrace the small group of people you meet there. And, Savvy Blogging is not cutesy – it's a serious conference with great speakers. Give it a chance. As for the pet blogger thing – I've got you there. Because, I know that you don't write about your pet every day, but you do write about your pet sometimes. I know you love your pet because you confess that online, routinely. That makes you every bit as much a pet blogger as me. Beyond that, our venue is about social media – more so than pets. It was created to assist pet bloggers, sure, but the educational component is designed for anyone who blogs, not just pet bloggers.

4. You think your blog is fine, you're fine, the world is fine. You don't need blog conferences for anything.
— Ok. Sure. And, everything that can be invented has been invented. I've heard that story before. It doesn't hold water. You WILL learn something at any one of the conferences mentioned here. And, you might be able to teach someone you meet something new.

3. You're waiting to lose that last 10 pounds – so you can fit into the new outfit you got for your birthday.
— Well, you won't lose weight at OUR conference! Can you say Cheesecake?!?! Yum! (btw, if I took that approach, I'd never leave the house… yet, I walk the dogs every day…in a tank top! Hey, it's hot around here!)

2. Your best friend can't go, so you're not going, either.
— I have to pull the mother's lament on that one: So, if your best friend jumped off a cliff… you know the rest.

1. You're attending one of the other conferences and that's enough. One, one is enough.
— One is enough? Is one book about business and strategy, enough? How about blogs – one blog, enough? You read one blog and that's enough? How about Facebook? You only follow one person on Facebook? ONE is the loneliest number – who doesn't know that? And, truth be told, every conference you attend will teach you something new. Every conference you attend will introduce you to new people (friends and possible clients). And, every conference you attend will expand not only your connections, but your horizons, for many years to come.

This little list was meant for fun as much as anything else. Having been someone who has used one or more of these excuses herself, I don't take them lightly. They matter – you matter. If you can make it to BlogPaws, I look forward to seeing you. If you can't, let us know how you'd like us to share the conference with you. And if any of this frivolity sparks an idea, share in a comment. We want to hear from you!

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  1. Here’s hoping that colleagues will think about these points in relation to the Communication Central conference (www.communication-central.com) for freelancers, both current and aspiring. I’ve noticed that some of the people who complain the most about needing more work are the ones who do the least in the way of self-marketing; they don’t belong to professional organizations, don’t go to workshops or conferences, etc.
    Having said all that, now I’ll look into BlogPaws. I don’t blog, and I don’t write about pets, but I do write about animal hospitals, so I’m sure it would be useful. And I love going to conferences!

  2. I LOVED the “hermit” response. Believe it or not, as outgoing as I can be at times (and obnoxious lol) I also am HUGELY introspective….I LOVE my alone time…but….I also think it will be fabulous and so exciting to meet the friends behind the blogs that I LOVE face to face and to acquire some much needed knowledge in order to continue to improve.

  3. I really want to go to Blog Paws with my Aby, Jacoby, but unfortunately, that weekend we have a prior commitment that, sadly, can’t be moved. But I hope to go next year. Jake would love it!

  4. BlogPaws was the first blogging conference I attended, and I had a fantastic time! BlogPaws West was even better, and I’m seriously looking forward to this year’s conference — which is thankfully close enough to my home that I can travel there by bus and train, so travel will cost me a lot less this time around.
    My only real limitations on conference attendance revolve around being able to get the time off from work, and since I’m already planning to go to BlogPaws and the Cat Writers Association conference in November (I’ll actually be speaking there, telling attendees about the basics of using WordPress to create a website), I’m pretty much maxed out. And then there are conferences I’m just not as interested in attending (mommy-blogger-oriented conferences, for example) …

  5. @JaneA – good point: taking time off from work. I forgot that one. It’s very valid – in some cases, you might get your boss to help pay your way; in others, it helps to have a big enough lead time to plan.
    @Caren – you will learn a lot! And have more fun than you’ve ever had at a conference, before.
    @Talonvaki – We’ll miss you! I hope you come in 2012! Will you be watching for updates on the BlogPaws Community?

  6. I would love to come but you are right…..I live on the West Coast and the confrence is on the east coast. The registration IS amazingly reasonable but its the plane ticket cost, just really the overall cost….its too much while I am trying to save for a wedding… and the vacation time off work. It IS just to expensive for some of us. I would have gone if it was on the west coast.

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