10 Reasons to Connect Your Blog with a Cause

Pet bloggers are pet-passionate people. So, connecting your content with a cause is a natural extension of the work you’re already doing. Plus, connecting with a cause can help build your online presence.

There are endless reasons why connecting with a cause will help strengthen your blog’s following. Here, we are going to focus on the 10 most important benefits of connecting your blog with a cause:

10 Reasons to Connect Your Blog with a Cause

  1. A reason to write. If you are connected with a specific cause, you can write about its many events, history, mission, as well as give you a chance to interview the ones spearheading the cause. You can incorporate what’s new into your blog posts on a weekly or monthly basis.
  2. Networking opportunities. If the cause is local, it will give you a chance to meet like-minded people in your home town. Imagine how many ideas you can come up with from your blog by chatting with people just like you.
  3. Live interviews. A chance for live interviews for YouTube and Facebook Live could open up. Video is the up-and-coming world of blogging, and this opens doors for you to start using these channels.
  4. More photo opportunities. If the cause provides a chance for you to expand your photo portfolio, it’s worth it. Social media posts key in on photos and video to gain attention.
  5. Speaking opportunities. As you connect locally with a particular cause, you may be asked to speak in behalf of it.
  6. More exposure for your blog and for your brand. Every time you go before a group to speak, network, or represent the cause, you have an opportunity to introduce yourself, your blog, and your social media channels. You’re there for the cause, but it’s a golden opportunity to promote yourself.
  7. Cross-promotion opportunities. This relates to exposure, but it has an added twist. If you promote a cause on your blog, that cause and many of its followers are likely to promote you. Positive exposure gives your numbers and boost and puts your name in front of a lot more people. For example, as a result of my affiliation with Feline Fix by Five, my name, blog, and social media channels have been included in their publicity materials.
  8. Credibility. Anyone can start a blog, and for that reason bloggers often get a bad rap. But as BlogPaws knows, there are a lot of great bloggers out there educating people about the best practices in pet care. If we are connected with a good cause, readers are going to get that we are legitimate and are giving out solid concrete information, whether it be through humor or more serious posts.
  9. A chance to learn more. My motto is to learn something new every single day. Some days, it’s a dozen or so new tips. We can learn something from everyone. It could be the tip that could catapult your blog to a whole new level.
  10. It’s the right thing to do. There are a host of benefits to volunteering and helping others. Research has proven that volunteering and connecting with a cause makes you a healthier and more interesting person. According to ‘5 Surprising Benefits of Volunteering’, published in Forbes, March 19, 2015, volunteering helps people be healthier and live a longer life.

Your Turn

How do you connect your blog with a cause? How do you integrate the charities, rescues, shelters, and more that are close to your heart?

BJ Bangs, recipient of the 2017 Winn Feline Foundation’s Media Appreciation Award, blogs at bjbangs.net (Paws for Reflection), a blog that’s all about cats. An award-winning journalist, photographer and communication’s professional, BJ is a catvocate and is working to promote Feline Fix by Five Months Initiative nationwide. At Paws for Reflection, we’re serious about cats, delving into why cats are the absolute best soul mates. We spring in a little humor with lots of travel tips, photos and a few feline tales, making Paws for Reflection a must stop for cat information on the cat crazed Internet. She has been published in national magazines, including CatFancy and CatTalk, and regional publications.

Image: DomDew_Studio/Shutterstock.com

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