
The 2013 Nose-to-Nose Finalists


Announcing the 2013 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Finalists 

Officer Tom Binkley and K-9 HugoFinalists of each Nose-to-Nose award will receive one (1) badge to display on their blog and 1 free conference pass to BlogPaws 2013. Winners will receive a one of a kind personalized trophy at BlogPaws 2013. They will also be included in a collective donation of an embroidered Police Vest to an Artlington Police Department K-9, Hugo, along with a donation of oxygen masks for dogs, cats and small animals to local Fire Department(s).

These donations will be presented live following the awards ceremony. Arlington Police Officer Tom Binckley and his K-9, Hugo, will both be present to accept their vest, as will at least one representative from a local Fire Department to accept the masks. The value of these collective donations is $2,000.

In no particular order, here are your FINALISTS!

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Finalist: Best Blog Photo


Best Blog Photo Finalists:

My Brown Newfies: ”
If I Only Had A Brain

Bengal Cat World: “Tales From A Spotty Cat

Frame The Dog: “Nitro Catches Snowflakes

Tales and Tails: “Bunny

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Finalist: Best Blog Video


Best Blog Video Finalists:

My Favorite Pup Jasmine:“Elementary School Video”

Glogirly: Blind Cat Rescue Video

Jozy Kitty: “Welcome to JozyKitty.com

Mousebreath: “The Ferris Wheel for Cat Poop

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Finalist: Best Facebook Design


Best Facebook Design Finalists:

Corgi Dogs

The Tiniest Tiger

Deaf Dogs Rock

I Have Cat

BlogPaws 2012 Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards - Finalist: Best Twitter Design


Best Twitter Design Finalists:





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