
BlogPaws Asks… You Answer!

In our ongoing weekly effort to have conversations with you — our fellow pet-loving readers and writers —
Picture4 we continue our question and answer series. This week (and it's because I work with budding writers all week long) we'd like to know…

What do beginning (or even seasoned) writers struggle with the most when it comes to their pet blogging? Do you struggle to find ideas? Is it hard to find the time to write? Are you not certain if you're on the right writing track? Do you stare at the blank screen and will the words to appear? 

What is your biggest challenge? 

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  1. The ideas are endless. With a full-time plus job, time is a factor, but not so much with blogging as with following and connecting. It’s a challenge to keep up with the changing technology and SM patterns. But the biggest challenge is to connect and establish the reputation as being a credible cat writer.

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