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Harness The Power Of Halloween For Your Pet Blog

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

If you’re ever at a loss for what to write about, you can (this time of year, anyway) harness the power of Halloween for your pet blog. What do I mean? If you look at the calendar you will see that Halloween is just around the corner. If you shopped at any store in the recent weeks, you likely saw the decorations lining the shelves.

What does Halloween, or Columbus Day or the impending Daylight Savings Time-time switch have to do with your pet blog? Quite halloween puppysimply it should:

  1. Spark your interest
  2. Give you several blog topics about which to write
  3. Allows you to get in on a trend

Are you seeing possibilities in perhaps writing a blog post or two? If you’re still looking for more inspiration, here are some topics you could consider that will help you harness the theme that flows through October:

  • Write about Halloween costumes for pets — the good, the bad, the safety issues, how to make your own pet costumes
  • Write about the dangers of Halloween for pets — the fear they could escape when you open the door for trick-or-treaters and ways to prevent it, the dangers of Halloween candy, how to calm your pets’ fears about the noise in the neighborhood and the potential for fear at seeing even family members dressed in costumes.
  • Write about the dangers a pet may pose to a human around the holiday. He could lash out in fear and become aggressive. Write about ways your pet should be approached at this, and any, time of the year
  • Write about recipes you could make with pumpkin for your pet.
  • You could blog about black cats and black dogs and why, or whether, they are unadoptable. If you’ve ever adopted a black cat or dog, blog about them.
  • In most areas of the country, October means chilly days and nights. Blog about how to keep your pet warm when the temperatures cool down.
  • Write a do it yourself post about a pet bed or shelter for feral cats in the neighborhood.
  • Blog about ways to keep your pet safe when the temperatures drop.
  • In my area, Columbus Day means doggie park get-togethers for many locals. Write about doggie park etiquette. Blog about how to introduce your dog to the other dogs at the doggie park. Blog about whether going to a doggie park is even a good idea — offer pros and cons.october pets
  • If you have children and they are off of school for this holiday, write about a day trip you can take with the family, and the family pets.
  • Also, since we are marking October as Adopt a Shelter Pet Month you could blog about the pros of pet adoption and share your own adoption story if you have one.
  • Moving onto November so you can plan ahead for Daylight Savings Time (DST), you could blog about how, or if, the time change impacts your pet.
  • For DST you could also blog about how you might need to change your walking routine because it gets lighter later and darker earlier. What safety measures will you have to take to be visible on your walks if your usual walk time is now in darkness?

Jump on a theme. Work it into your blog posts and go forth and write!

(Photo: Shutterstock puppy wearing a witch hat)

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