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Writing Advice To Make Your Blogging Easier

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

Is writing easy for you? Is it a task that you wake up in the morning looking forward to? Is writing simply something that you must do in order to pursue your dream of being a professional pet blogger? I have been a writer since I was seven-years-old and was “published” in the my elementary school publication.

I recently unearthed a copy in some paperwork that my mother had saved. My story brought back memories and made me realize that writing has been in my blood since I could first hold a pencil! Another odd piece of memorabilia I unearthed was a handprint that was made of my hand when I was five-years-old and at that time I 20150826_093702spelled my name with an “e.” That struck me as odd as I don’t use the “e” any more. Something I need to ask my mom about… but I digress!

Even if writing comes easy to you I may be able to offer some writing advice to make your blogging easier. Here are some facts I’ve unearthed about my own writing habits:

  • Schedule your writing time. If you put “write my blog post” into your calendar or on your to-do list, then you will take your writing seriously. Adding your own writing to your to-do list also means that your mind will gear up for your writing session and you will have the perfect mindset to get your blogging done. Making a date with yourself is crucial to completing your blogging. I have also found that if I know I am going to be blogging at “1 pm every Wednesday” then the wheels in my brain start churning and when I sit down to write, the ideas just flow.
  • Not everything will be golden! Consider your first draft as a run through to the finished product. Revision is part of writing and it is a process you need to embrace. Sure, there are times when you can dash through a blog post and it just flows off your fingers like water over a river’s edge. Other days it is like pulling teeth to get the Muse to cooperate. If you always plan for revision, you can plan for it and work it into your daily writing routine. Think of your first draft as being similar to an artist’s sketch. It’s nowhere near complete, it just gets you started. When you revise, make note of similar phrases that you use and eliminate them, delete superfluous verbiage and industry jargon.
  • Begin with a blurb. Think of your entire post as a back cover blurb like those you see on a book jacket. Why? Blurb writing will help you retain your focus and home in on the true point of your blog. Your blurb should be part of your editorial calendar preparation process. Once you enter your blog post title into your ed cal, add the blurb – it will also jog your memory once you get to writing the post.
  • How smooth are your transitions? You need to make certain that everything flows from one paragraph to another and that the entire piece fits together coherently. Your blog post should never read like a stream of consciousness piece where you’re jumping from one topic to another.
  • Read it aloud. Use your pet as your audience! Henrietta has been the daily recipient of my blogging efforts. Reading a piece aloud lets you hear if there are odd phrases, extraneous words or areas over which you stumble. If you’re “stumbling” when you read it, the reader will be stumbling as well.blogging tips

 What will all of these writing and planning tips help you with (even more tips!)

  • It removes procrastination
  • Strengthens your writing
  • Improves your focus
  • It might make you more prolific
  • Helps you conquer the overwhelm of writing your blog posts (this is especially helpful for those writers who either write for other clients or work full time outside of the home)

What is your writing process? Share in the comments below!

(Photo: Author’s handprint; Shutterstock Parakeet)


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