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Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop: August Holidays

August is right around the corner, so this Wordless Wednesday blog hop is dedicated to August holidays to help in your August blog planning. Remember, if you decide to blog about a holiday, whether a recognized one or a frivolous or educational one, always keep your blog tone and style in mind. There are some helpful angles below for some of the dates.

Don’t forget, the Summer Olympics are taking place August 5th through August 21st.

August Holidays

August 1: National Girlfriends Day (fun for your pet to recognize her female pet friends), DOGust Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs

August 2: National Coloring Book Day, National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

August 3: National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

August 4: National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day (good to talk about chocolate dangers and pets)

August 5: National Underwear Day

August 6: National Fresh Breath Day (good for pet dental health post), National Root Beer Float Day, National Mustard Day

August 7: Purple Heart Day, National Lighthouse Day, National Friendship Day, National Sisters Day

August 8: World Cat Day, National Happiness Day (great for a things to do with your pet and be happy post), National Dollar Day

August 9: National Book Lovers Day (fab idea for books for pet lovers)

August 10: National Lazy Day, Spoil Your Dog Day

August 11: National Sons and Daughters Day (if your pet is your kid, then celebrate in a blog post), National Presidential Joke Day

August 12: National Vinyl Record Day, National Middle Child Day, World Elephant Day

August 13: Left Handers Day, National Garage Sale Day, National Bowling Day

August 14: National Creamsicle Day, World Lizard Day

August 15: National Relaxation Day, National Check the Chip Day (great for a reminder to pet parents)

August 16: National Tell a Joke Day, National Roller Coaster Day, International Homeless Animal Day, National Honey Bee Day

August 17: National Thrift Shop Day (bargain post for repurposing items for pet beds, etc)

August 18: National Mail Order Catalog Day, National Ice Cream Pie Day

August 19: National Aviation Day (tips on flying with pets), National Soft Ice Cream Day, National Women’s Day

August 20: National Radio Day

August 21: National Senior Citizen’s Day (is your pet older?<=== post idea)

August 22: National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day (very important for a post)

August 22: National Tooth Fairy Day, Be an Angel Day

August 23: National Sponge Cake Day, National Ride with the Wind Day

August 24: National Waffle Day, National Peach Pie Day

August 25: National Kiss and Make Up Day

August 26: National Women’s Equality Day, National Dog Day (post!)

August 27: National Just Because Day

August 28: Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

August 29: National Chop Suey Day

August 30: National Holistic Pet Day, National Trail Mix Day, National Toasted Marshmallow Day

August 31: National Matchmaker Day (pet adoption theme would be good here for a post)

Overall Themes for August

  • Admit You’re Happy Month
  • Family Fun Month
  • National Catfish Month
  • National Eye Exam Month
  • National Golf Month
  • Peach Month
  • Romance Awareness Month
  • Water Quality Month
  • National Picnic Month

Weekly Events

  • Week 1 National Simplify your Life Week
  • Week 2 National Smile Week
  • Week 3 Friendship Week
  • Week 4 Be Kind to Humankind Week

Join the BlogPaws Blog Hop for “Wordless Wednesday.” BlogPaws offers year-round interaction, activity, community and more to learn, earn, and connect. Plus we have the weekly tradition of the Wordless Wednesday BlogPaws Blog Hop! Visit and leave comments on other blogs to make some new buddies and maybe some new followers. You can add the BlogPaws Blog Hop button to your post and/or to your blog sidebar, either by cutting and pasting the image or using the HTML code below. Need help? Here it is:

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You can add the BlogPaws Blog Hop button to your post and/or to your blog sidebar, by cutting and pasting the image below. Need more help? Here it is: How to Join a Blog Hop – BlogPaws Tutorial BP_Wordless_wed_Hop_Logo_2014Image: Andrew Mayovskyy/Shutterstock.com




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