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Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop: 20 Winter Solstice Blog Ideas

This week’s Wordless Wednesday blog hop falls on the same day as Winter Solstice. Now’s the time to get all of those winter-related and pet safety posts lined up, including the accompanying social media images (including Pinterest) that go with them.

20 Winter Pet Blog Ideas

Need some inspiration? Here are 20 idea for pet safety, winter care for pets,

  1. Indoor pet care safety: How to winterize your home for a pet.
  2. Foot and paw care during the winter months.
  3. Pet apparel: What works and what doesn’t in the colder months.
  4. How to help homeless animals in the winter.
  5. Winter travel hazards and pets.
  6. Your pet’s bedding: Now’s a good time for a winter bed check.
  7. Non-traditional pets and winter care: Colder temps and birds, fish, lizards, turtles, snakes, etc.
  8. How to keep a pet in shape when it’s cold outside.
  9. Myths and Facts about Winter and Pets: i.e. Can a cat play outside, how long can my dog be outside.
  10. Hypothermia signs and symptoms and what to do.
  11. Ask the Experts: Do pets know when the seasons change?
  12. Draft dodging: Create a craft project to for a pet home to keep the drafts out.
  13. Carbon monoxide detector and change of batteries reminder.
  14. Ice melts: What is safe and what isn’t for a pet.
  15. Lost pets during winter: Harder for pets to find their way home; snow disorientation. Provide safety tips.
  16. Indoor activities to keep a pet’s mind stimulated all winter long.
  17. Indoor play dates and rotating homes to keep pets entertained all winter long.
  18. New Year’s resolutions for pets.
  19. How to help a pet successfully maintain their weight while less active in winter.
  20. Head to tail health check for winter months and vet visits.

Pet blog winter ideas

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You can add the BlogPaws Blog Hop button to your post and/or to your blog sidebar, by cutting and pasting the image below. Need more help? Here it is: How to Join a Blog Hop – BlogPaws Tutorial BP_Wordless_wed_Hop_Logo_2014

Images: dezi/Shutterstock.com and vvvita /Shutterstock.com

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