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What We’re Reading: BlogPaws Team Round-Up

With all that is going on with getting ready for the BlogPaws Conference in Nashville, it’s a wonder we even have time to read any blogs, but we do. Why? Because we know how important it is to keep up with what’s going on in the world. It is very easy to bury yourself in your own work so much so that you forget to interact with others. If you want your blogging to stay fresh and you to stay current and relevant, you need to always be reading and learning.

Here, without further ado is our weekly reading list:11173404_10152712771956721_664504131570608847_n

Ambassador Melissa Clinton

I loved JoAnn Stancer’s tribute to their family memorial garden where she placed her Norman’s ashes.  It proves how much our dog’s are a part of our families. Warning: Tearjerker

Here is a great explanation of how Emma and Bailie did in their scent class.

Chloe DiVita, Director of Events & Programs:

A post by Ted Rubin that tells if you want your stuff read you should stop complaining and just do the work.

This is a great post that shows how business owners and bloggers need to consider they are communicating “human to human” not “business to business” or “business to consumer” as has been done in the past.

BlogPaws PR Manager Carol Bryant:

Why do people care more about their pets than other humans? Read this post that explains why.

Aimee Beltran, BlogPaws Ambassador recommends:

If you’re coming to the BlogPaws Conference (and why wouldn’t you be!?) I wrote a post about Pet Blogger Pet Peeves to help get your blog on point prior to the conference!

She is also intrigued how this city in Spain is running its entire town with social media!

BlogPaws CEO Yvonne DiVita is reading:

This is a great idea that could work for pet bloggers, also. Read how General Mills is serving up ebooks with traveltimebreakfast.

Robbi Hess, Blog Manager recommends:

I love this post by blogger, Tabitha Dumas, and it’s perfect timing for those of us who are attending the BlogPaws Conference. You have to dress for the mood you want (and for the impression you want to make!)

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