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What Do Pet Bloggers Want For Christmas


by: Carol Bryant

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself this question: What do pet bloggers want for Christmas (or Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's, Just Because)?

So what is it about pet bloggers in particular? I mean, there are millions of blogs these days and word has it that pet bloggers are taking the blogosphere by storm. If you've been to a BlogPaws Conference, you know the energy, enthusiasm, networking, idea exchange and layers of relationships that are formed. Pet bloggers in general are the industry’s rock stars.

We celebrate the pet blogger here at BlogPaws: In fact, pet bloggers are the oxygen and the reason we exist here at BlogPaws. If you've ever been asked what pet blogging is all about, why you do, just what does a pet blogger do, or all of the aforementioned, I for one, can relate. For all you do, all year long, we celebrate with you and encourage you to share this blog post URL with any friends or family members who wonder just what to give you as a holiday (or anytime) gift. We've also got a few surprises and goodies for YOU in this post.  Ready? Drumroll, and here we go….


Check some of the deals online, get your flight booked early, and tell your special someone how going to a BlogPaws Conference can help grow, escalate, and/or launch a career!


It's easy peasy to register for BlogPaws and anyone who does so this month (December) will be automatically entered in our Holiday Sweepstakes, see? —–> BLOGPAWS HOLIDAY SWEEPSTAKES

ThirddayHere's the hotel link to share and/or book your room on beautiful Lake Las Vegas for the BlogPaws 2014 Conference for three days in May, 2014: HOTEL FOR BLOGPAWS 2014

FourthdayAnd who doesn't love new clothes????

Our red carpet Nose-to-Nose Awards is a gala celebration to honor bloggers and microbloggers in their respective categories.


Ahhhh, shiny new business cards – gives us the warm fuzzies


Now how fun is that? Of course, BlogPaws attendees need some spending money – what a cool idea! Here's the link to the hotel: —> HOTEL FOR BLOGPAWS 2014

And for days 8 through 12, be sure to visit the BlogPaws Facebook page, where from Sunday, December 8th through Thursday, December 12th, we will reveal more gift giving ideas for pet bloggers.

SURPRISE TIME! We have three surprises to share this weekend:

(1) We are revealing three of our stellar speakers who will grace the BlogPaws 2014 Conference with their knowledge to all attendees. Not only are we revealing who they are, but now is your opportunity to win a private session with one of these dynamos during the conference in May in beautiful Lake Las Vegas!

Click this link to see who the three speakers are, what they will be sharing at the BlogPaws Conference, and how you can win a private session with one of them: http://blogp.ws/1cgBeCh


(2) It’s December and BlogPaws is celebrating Giving Month by giving to you, our community pack! We want to see your holiday photos of your pets.

Send a photo of your pet(s) in a holiday photo of Christmas, Hanukkah, etc or a winter scene.  Two photos maximum per person. Win prizes! Full details here: http://blogp.ws/ISjPFI

Prizes will be awarded to THREE winners and each prize is valued at up to $25 from our friends at Pet360!!!!

(3) We've named our Pet Blogger of the Month in the BlogPaws Community: Come see who we are spotlighting and how you can be next:

 Featured BlogPaws Pet Blogger of the Month

 Happy Meow-lidays and Howl-i-days to you!



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  1. what I, as a pet blogger and avid follower of Blogpaws would like for Christmas is… an all expenses paid trip to Blogpaws Conference as I live in South Africa and there is NO other way I’m going to get there!;) I think it’s an excellent learning opportunity and well done to the team for their on-going efforts.

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