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Twas the Night Before BlogPaws Christmas

blogpaws christmas

Twas the night before BlogPaws Christmas

And all through the house,

Not a creature was stirring but me,

As I blogged and clicked my mouse;


The keywords were placed in the blog post with care;

In hopes that the traffic soon would be there;

The bloggers were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of analytics danced in their heads;

And Rover in his dog bed and Fluffy in a warm lap,

Were trying to sleep while the keyboard keys went tap tap;


When out on Twitter there arose such a clatter,

I spun around in my office chair to see what was the matter;

Away from my laptop I flew like a flash,

But first running a virus check and clearing my cache;


The streetlight shining brightly on the hood of my car,

Gave me pause to think that Santa wouldn’t be far;

But what to my weary eyes should appear,

There was something to remind me it’s been quite a year;

cute ferret

The night sky lit up and the stars rearranged,

Each representing a pet affected by BlogPaws Be the Change;

Quite swiftly and succinctly a galaxy encompassed the night,

Revealing to me that St. Nick had bigger plans in sight.


“Now Yvonne, now Chloe, now Tom, and the whole team,

Hey Carol and Robbi and Felissa… does blogging make you beam?

I know you work hard to make BlogPaws the best,

So for the next 48 hours you must give your fingers a rest!”

dog computer

Like fur to a Furminator and nip to a cat

It’s time to put on your jammies and take off your blogger hat;

So off to their computer the BlogPaws crew did fly,

And they wondered if that was Santa that really dropped by.


When suddenly their monitors in tandem did blink,

They dashed to their mobile phones, and dialed in sync;

“Could it be really happening, did Santa remember us?

Does he truly reward bloggers with messages and such?”


Tom wondered, Yvonne paced, and they both began to Tweet,

Carol Facebooked, Robbi Googled, and Felissa ran out to the street;

Their computers went down and there came such a noise,

Was it Santa delivering presents like new computers and such toys?


Heading back to their monitors, there it was, clear as day,

Santa had a blogging message he had sent without delay;

“You are the one and only, the original, the best,

You started in 2009 and six conferences later, you never rest;

Reflect on your givings, to both animals and peeps,

Now stop for 48 hours, it’s time to get some sleep.”


Their eyes how they twinkled, this sentiment how merry,

Wanting bloggers to rest and not feel so weary;

“Dear Santa,” Yvonne replied, “Do you realize my friend,

This blogging we do is a passion, and it simply cannot end.”


“BlogPaws is a family and our community sticks around,

We’re on the cusp of a new year, super things are abound;

We know you’re on Facebook, so this is something to discuss,

How can we get Santa to follow BlogPaws on Twitter and like us on Google Plus?”

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With a wink in his eye, Santa laughed at what Yvonne said,

But he knew she was right with a BlogPaws idea in her head.


He spoke not a word amidst all of this hype,

So cracking his knuckles, Santa began to type:

“I’ll be at the conference in Nashville in May

Rudolph will guide me to the to the blogging way

Now back to the North Pole my pack and I must go

To get started on planning our strategy for SEO!”

cute_dogpoem by Carol Bryant, BlogPaws PR and Marketing Manager


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