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The Dangers of Pet Safety Blog Posts Blog Hop

If you ever write about pet safety or share pet safety social media content, credibility and authenticity are the keys to successful content that resonates with your readers and followers. What better idea for a blog hop than to talk about accurately sourcing and writing blog posts and social media content as it pertains to pet safety.

How to write about pet safety

Sources That Count

An influential pet blogger will be held to a different set of standards, but the importance is there. Are you recommending a dog food? Does your blog ever dispense advice on behavior, training, places to visit, treats to feed, or how to keep a pet healthy? For most bloggers, credibility is a combination of experience, delivering the message properly, and being able to substantiate the information in the blog post with sourcing. Knowing how to grow a pet blog includes knowing where to find sources.

Where to Find Pet Safety Health Resources

With millions of pet parents sharing their lives with dogs, cats, bunnies, ferrets, lizards, fish, birds, guinea pigs, and so much more, one of the most highly searched topics is, by far, pet health.

Reyna Gobel, whose pet articles have appeared on CBS.com, in Modern Dog, and on Reuters.com tells BlogPaws, “When you’re writing about your own pet’s illness, you don’t necessarily need a source because you’re retelling a factual event. No one can agree or disagree with what happened because it happened personally to your family. However, you can strengthen an argument for a particular therapy or treatment by adding a quote from the veterinarian that helped your pet.  If you’re situation is about an illness or condition when you aren’t retelling a personal story, always quote an expert.”

One of my favorite resources in petMD. petMD is the largest global source of pet health information in the world today. Part of a global network of veterinary professionals, petMD’s content was created by veterinarians for consumers and veterinarians. I feel a huge sense of comfort and relief knowing that content is created by veterinarians.

Whenever you are researching and looking for sources on the Internet, there are a few things to verify that the information is credible, namely:

  • Authority: Background of the writer, credentials.
  • Accuracy: Is the information cited with reliable sources, is it free of grammar and spelling errors?
  • Objectivity:Is the article written without prejudice,or bias, towards the writer’s own opinion or to another, opposing view?
  • Currency: How current is the site you are sourcing? Are there many broken links? Frequent updates in content?
  • Coverage: How in depth is the article? Are there links to resources on the topic?
In an article for BlogPaws, Gobel recommends a few ways of finding credible blog post resources and sources. First, she recommends contacting associations.  She says, “For pet health insurance questions, I contact the North American Pet Health Insurance Association. For behaviorists, I contact the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants.”
How to write a pet safety blog post

The Value of Checklisting Pet Safety Blog Posts

 I love lists, especially when that list is in the form of a checklist in planning and executing a blog post.Having an idea is easy, but putting that idea into a successful blog post that is SEO friendly, properly formatted, and image savvy, is a whole other beast. Writing a successful blog post is a step-by-step process that can be accomplished with three P’s:

  • Pre-Planning
  • Publishing
  • Promotion (and then again and again)

I don’t write a masterpiece on my first attempt, so outlining helps me hone my craft and my post. Some of the sections in my outline include:

  • My topic or idea
  • A working headline, which I refine later
  • The problem it solves or addresses.
  • Why my reader should care. I ask myself “who cares” and until I can answer that, I won’t blog.
  • Sources and quotes/experts
  • Outbound and inbound links to include
  • Terms to rank for SEO-wise
  • Images I want to take and/or already have in my files

Your outline can be as simple as a one page sheet of paper with subheadings on it or as intricate as you like it: We all have different learning and planning styles.

READ THIS ===> 7 Steps To Writing a Successful Blog Post

Next Steps

Get the Latest in Social Media, Pet Blogging and Pet Influencer Education at the BlogPaws 2018 Conference in Kansas City, Missouri.  If you want the early bird rate before a sell out, claim your BlogPaws 2018 Conference tickets here.

The Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop

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Images: Elena Kharichkina/wavebreakmedia /Shutterstock

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