Why Spoiling Your Pet is Good Thing
by: Carol Bryant
Do you spoil your pet and just what does it mean when someone says I “spoil” my dog. Is it so wrong to embrace a life that will more than likely pass before I do? Perhaps it is because of that short lifespan that we spoil our pets even more. The collective we of pet bloggers are not alone in spoiling our dogs. Ask any pet parent in your social circles if they go above and beyond in the name of cat, dog, ferret, bird, bunny, fish, etc. Chances are more than 50 percent of respondents will say yes.
In the Pet Blogger Influencer group at BlogPaws, over 300 of us take surveys on a daily basis, and the results for this inaugural month have been quite revealing. We’ll be giving the dedicated results in a full report to our members, but for now, here’s a peek at what we found out:
When asked if a pet blogger influenced their decision to buy a particular present for their pet, a whopping 58 percent say “yes,” a pet blogger influenced them. The fact that we are looking to pet bloggers for present ideas for pets speaks volumes to the spoiling aspect.
When asked if they consider their blog to be a resource for pet parents to find information when considering pet product purchasing decisions, 74 percent say “yes, ” they do. Pets are family members, bloggers recognize this, brands embrace this, and yes, we continue to spoil our pets.
In a recent article in PetBusiness.com, it is revealed that the face of the pet parent is changing. Multicultural is what we are and we are continuing to spoil and embrace our pets. The article shares, ”

What do you to spoil your pet? Tell us below and show us with pictures!