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SEO Tips for Pet Bloggers


by: Carol Bryant

When I went looking for how to up my blogging SEO game, Pam Foster’s marketing, SEO, and social media advice stopped me in my tracks: literally. Wildly Profitable Marketing for the Pet Industry is one of the best “how to” books for marketing (and profiting from it) in the pet industry I have encountered. The section on SEO tips is worth the price of the book alone.

As someone who works for and at the BlogPaws Conference, I tend to be on the go and not able to sit and see all of the sessions I want to (which are all of them, but I digress).

Pam Foster graced the BlogPaws 2013 Conference educational sessions with her SEO expertise. More specifically, she covered the importance of knowing your audience and what they’re looking for, how to find the right keywords, how to use them the right way in blog posts and your main site (if applicable), how to use them in tags as well for the best results… and how to get inbound links to your blog, which also helps with search results.

As we are heavy in the trenches building our sixth BlogPaws Conference, we are proud to bring Pam Foster’s session to those who were unable to attend the conference in Virginia—or for those who attended but missed Pam’s stellar session.

In her SEO for Beginners and at the Intermediate level, take note of Pam’s tips, pointers, and the feedback she receives along with questions asked. This will also give you an idea of the outstanding education provided at BlogPaws Conference.

Want to keep up with Pam? People can learn about Pam and her work at PetCopywriter.com and its blog, LifeLearn.com (I write their blog), also at PawzoolaPublishing.com (she co-authored all the
books on that site, and wrote the site’s content). Also at www.AWAIonline,com, she’s part of the team who teaches new copywriters how to work with clients, do web content audits, and market themselves within a niche industry. Her profile there is at http://www.awaionline.com/bio/pam-foster/.

Meantime, here’s Pam Foster’s SEO presentation at BlogPaws 2013:

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