Scoring a Media Homerun: Lessons Learned from BlogPaws 2013
Guest post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess
As pet bloggers, I'll bet many of us want to become media darlings, right? There are many outlets for
garnering media attention — both online and off — as well as myriad ways in which to attract that attention. Of course, it's always best to garner media attention for the right reasons, as opposed to causing a scandal!
During BlogPaws 2013, Harrison Forbes, Celebrity Pet Expert, spoked to a standing room only house of pet bloggers and pets about Media Home Runs: How To Get Free Pubilicity & Make The Most of Media Opps. As a pet expert that has seen more than his share of media attention, who better to share his knowledge?
Here were four tips I took away from his seminar on how to gain media attention:
- Be controversial. This doesn't mean you have to cause a scandal, but you can offer a reporter a headline that raises a question in such a way that they simply have to read more. He gave an example of: "It's a bad idea to adopt a shelter dog…." then he went into the reasons that disproved his original statement. The reason being, it's a controversial headline and chances are we have all heard at least one person say they'd never adopt from a shelter. Harrison went on to show the reasons why this makes sense and how loving these pets are.
- Solve a problem. If you can use a numbered list, even better. "Three ways to rid your pet of fleas forever," "Five best vacation destinations for your family and your pet," Top seven seasonal foods your pet should never eat." You get the picture.
- Claim a title.Can you lay claim to being the "pet travel expert" or the "best cat bather in the West"? If so, do so.
- Start a holiday. Consider this: June 1 kicks off the First Annual Kiss Your Poodle Kissing Booth (to raise funds for poodle rescue). See where I'm going? If there is a holiday on the way (July 4, Christmas, etc.) garner media attention around that built-in holiday.
Keep in mind that newspaper reporters and television anchors have space to fill and at times are looking for news items to fill it with. Become the go-to expert in your local market then branch out nationally. What can you to do become a media darling?
We're working on the line up of stellar speakers for BlogPaws 2014 in Vegas and registration is open now. Remember, we sold out last year. Don't miss out it will be here before you know it!