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RSVP to Win an Only Natural Pet Shopping Spree at #PetSmartChat on 11/13

BlogPaws® and PetSmart®, are celebrating the arrival of a specialty shop section from the natural pet lifestyle brand, Only Natural Pet®, a Paleo-inspired brand that is well-suited for dogs and cats and their ancestral wolf and wildcat roots. The new collection will be available in select PetSmart stores with a more comprehensive selection available at PetSmart.com. Paleo diets and whole foods are the norm for many people and the benefits of eating this way apply to pets too.

Find out what the buzz is all about and be on the cutting edge of this news during a special daytime edition of a Twitter chat (#PetSmartChat). There’s a twist on this special edition of the Twitter chat, and there are $400 worth of shopping sprees to give away in total!

Here’s all you need to know:

(1) When:

Friday, 11/13
From 1 to 2 pm EST

(2) Use the hashtag #PetSmartChat throughout this entire hour.

(3) BlogPaws will host this chat and both @PetSmart and @OnlyNaturalPet will be in attendance.

(4) Prizes: One $100 shopping spree door prize will be drawn at random to one lucky person who RSVP’s below and is actively tweeting during this #PetSmartChat. When you are done reading this post, scoot on down to the bottom and RSVP with your Twitter handle. You must RSVP no later than the start of the chat at 1 pm EST sharp this Friday, 11/13, to be eligible for the door prize.

Three other $100 shopping sprees of Only Natural Pet product will be awarded during the 1-2 pm EST hour via QUIZ questions. You must DM (direct message) @BlogPaws to be eligible to win during the hour.

(5) The format of this #PetSmartChat will be a Topic (T) and Answer (A) format. To follow along, learn about Paleo and ask questions, follow these simple guidelines:

When you see the letter “T” at the beginning of a tweet, that indicates the “topic”

When you see the letter “A” at the beginning of a tweet, that indicates the “answer”

Here are two examples:

(BlogPaws tweets) “T1: What are the benefits of supplements for pets? #PetSmartChat”

(PetSmart tweets) “A1: Supplements can dramatically improve the quality of life for pets. #PetSmartChat”

—- or —-

(BlogPaws tweets) “T5: How can I determine how much water my pet drinks daily? #PetSmartChat”

(Only Natural Pet tweets) “A5: Measure the amount of water consumed daily and keep a log. #PetSmartChat”

So if you pop into the #PetSmartChat and want to reply to the water topic, you’d simply tweet:

“A5: I also use an automated water filtration system to measure my cat’s water intake. #PetSmartChat”

Then everyone in the chat knows what topic you are referring to. Easy peasy!

Of course, as with any chat hosted by @BlogPaws, enjoy yourself, learn a bit, network with friends, and have fun!

Now, hop on down to the RSVP and use your Twitter handle to register. Here’s how to fill out the form once you click “click here to enter” below:


For more information on PetSmart, and in-store and online availability of Only Natural Pet products, click here.

Be sure to follow @BlogPaws, @PetSmart, and @OnlyNaturalPet on Twitter.


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