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November Pet Blogging Prompts
Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess
Back by popular demand and based on discussions in the BlogPaws Community, here is a month’s worth of pet blogging prompts. Whether you need inspiration, insight or a jumpstart to your pet blogging, without further ado… here they are:
- Write about how to keep pets safe with the impending winter weather fast (or already here) approaching
- Write about the BlogPaws’ monthly theme: Pet Health Awareness
- Share what you did when you last introduced a new pet to your family. What hints and tips do you have?
- It’s Adopt a Senior Pet Month. Blog about your senior pet
- Compare and contrast the benefits of a puppy or kitten to an older dog or cat
- It’s Movember (when men grow moustaches to raise awareness of men’s health issues). Take a picture of yourself wearing a cat moustache!
- It’s National Entrepreneurship Month. What have you done this year to turn your pet blog from hobby to business? What can you do next year to make that happen? Hint. Hint. You need a pet blogging business plan!
- It’s National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO) and while it’s midway through the month, there is still time to jump in and work on a novel before month’s end.
- It’s Pet Diabetes Awareness month. Talk with your vet and see if your pet is at risk and what steps you can take to get him or her healthy so they don’t develop diabetes.
- National Animal Shelter Week was celebrated the first week of November but there is no reason you can’t “appreciate” them all month (or all year) long. What have you done, or what can you do to help out your local shelter? Blog about it as inspiration for others.
- November 1 was “Give up your shoulds” day. What this means is you strive to not “should on yourself” as I like to say! Don’t look at another pet blogger and say, “I should be like them,” or “I should blog about what they blog about,” or “I should blog as often as XYZ blogger does.” Embrace your unique self and blog at your own pace about your own passion.
- November 1 was also National Go Cook For Your Pets Day. If you cook for your pets, share a recipe or two. Share why you cook for your pets. What prompted it? A health scare? A quest for healthier living for your entire family?
- November 15 is “I love to write” day. Blog about what got you started in pet blogging. Blog about what you love about
blogging. Write a post about your struggles to put together a blog post.
- Write a post about the dangers of Thanksgiving day meal food for your pets. Thanksgiving in the US is November 27.
- Blog about how to keep your pet safe during the holidays when you may have more friends and family over to your home. Share your best pet safety tips.
- Blog about what you’re thankful for.
- Write a post about keeping your pet safe while traveling during the holidays.
- Put together a list of great pet friendly hotels or travel locations you’ve come across.
- November 30 is “Stay home because you’re well day.” Blog about what you’d do on your ideal day off.
- Interview a pet blogger whom you admire.
- Write a book review on your site of something you’ve read recently that made a difference in your life.
- Write a post that touts your achievements this year. Yes, there are times when you need to pat yourself on the back and let the world know how far you’ve come!
- Share your pet blogging business goals for the upcoming year.
- What are you most thankful about? Share what it is that makes you love your pet and what benefits he or she has brought to your life.
- Write about a summer memory. Perhaps, since winter has descended upon many parts of the country, a warm weather post will warm you up!
- What is the most adorable thing your pet has done in recent memory? Blog about it (share photos of it as well).
- Does your pet dress for the winter weather? Show us. Do a photo-based fashion post.
- Do you use a pet sitter or a pet walker? I know that when I was at the BlogPaws retreat in Colorado that Tom and Yvonne had dog walkers come to the house when we were out for the day to spend time with the pups and take them for a walk. Share what you’re thankful for with your pet sitter or dog walker. Blog about what you’d look for in a dog walker or pet sitter if you needed to find one.
- If you’re going to brave the malls on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) share what it is you’re looking for. Share your shopping strategies. If you’re not going to shop, blog about why you’re not.
- December is just around the corner. Write a blog post about how you will cope with the holiday stresses (if you have them). Write about how you embrace the fun and festiveness that the holidays bring.
Stay tuned for our batch of December pet blogging prompts! If you blog about any of these topics, we’d love to see your post — share the link in the comments!