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How To Make Your Readers Love You The Way Your Pets Do!

Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess

You know that your pets love you, right? They show it by their happy wags when you come through the door or by the way they snuggle in with you at the end of a long day. Do you ever wonder how to make your readers love you the way your pets do? While you may have to try a bit harder to make your readers feel the love (after all, you’re not filling their bowls with kibble on a daily basis!), it is possible.

Consider this: The reason your friends like you is because they know you. This can translate to your pet blogging by helping your shutterstock_56938561 (2)readers get to know you better. This doesn’t mean that you need to share the most intimate details of your life, but it does mean you should let them feel the passion for what you do and understand what fuels that passion.

Here are my top three tips for making your readers as waggingly happy to read your posts as your pets are when you pay them some attention:

  1. Why did you start your pet blog? Did you have a reason for wanting to blog about dog training, or collies or fun with ferrets? Share the story with your readers. If they understand why you are passionate about what you do, your passion will spill over to them and they will become more invested in you and your pet blogging business. Do you have an “about me” page on your website? Does it read like a resume or does it give insight into what inspires and motivates you? If it’s a resume, you may want to rethink that and let your readers “get to know you.”
  2. What do you love most about your readers? Are they passionate about your causes? Do they also support and do fund raising for animal shelters, for example? Do they love the same breed of dog that you do or are they pet lovers looking for the kind of lifestyle tips that you provide.  If you have customers, they are the lifeblood of your business and should be shown some love and appreciation. How can you do that? Ask them for testimonials (yes, this benefits you but it also allows them to get some space on your website). If you sell a product, run a contest asking the readers to send you a picture of them using the product with their pets and put those pictures on your website. Highlight the customers who love you already and you may gain more raving fans.
  3. Are there current events that are of interest to your readers? If so, write about them. Being current lets your clients know that you’re involved and aware of the items that are of concern to them. Ask your readers a question about the post you’ve written, invite interaction and then respond. Being in touch with your readers is one of the best steps you can take to make your readers love you.

When is the last time you looked at, and re-vamped the About Me page on your website? When is the last time you highlighted one of your customers and gave them an Internet shout-out? What can you do this week to show appreciation to your fans and readers?

(Photo Shutterstock: Girl kissing cat)

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