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How Lifestyle Bloggers Can Engage With BlogPaws

blogpaws conference

BlogPaws is the fastest growing group of engaged pet bloggers both online and off. As such, we attract the best and the brightest to our influencer opportunities. Brands are eager to work with dedicated pet and lifestyle bloggers through the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network.  Our experience in working with pet brands reveals the value of incorporating lifestyle bloggers into the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network.

We asked our Blogger Outreach and Communications Manager, Felissa Elfenbein of Two Little Cavaliers, to give us the scoop and some insider info on how lifestyle bloggers can best engage with BlogPaws.

Here’s what Felissa says:

With more and more Lifestyle Bloggers joining the Community the obvious question for them is where do I even begin. The Community is so tight knit and everyone seems to know everyone else, right?

Join the conversation – Introduce yourself, offer advice in a thread, or start a new conversation. The best place for Lifestyle Bloggers to start is in the Blog Talk Section of the Community. It is there that you will find the place where people go to ask their questions, offer solutions, and chat about Social Media in general.

Your second stop should be to join the Pet Blogger Influencer Group so that you can be a part of the community that expands and grows. Yes, you probably know most of the information being shared and growing by 50 or 100 followers is what you expect in a week not a month…but set your own goals accordingly. Even if you don’t share your end result beyond if you were successful or not , you can offer your advice on the subject and use the monthly challenges to boost your social channels.


How to shape your blog so that you get selected for influencer opportunities with BlogPaws

A few simple chances will help you look more exciting to the brands. Do you have a pet category on your blog? If not and you don’t really feel it fits, maybe our opportunities are not the right fit for you right now. If you aren’t including your pet or pets on your blog in a meaningful fashion, a recommendation for a pet product will feel like it is coming out of left field to your readers. Think about it ,work on it, and see how you can include your pet in an authentic manner on your blog.

If a blog makeover is in your near future consider including your pets in your logos. Our brands want to see that your pets are a major part of your life. By including them in your logo it helps a brand understand that your pets play a big role in your life.

Work on your pictures of your pets. If you have photographing food down to a science, you can make that last minute recipe you whipped up look fantastic. You photograph boring bottles of cleaner as if they were made of diamonds. Your pet pictures…. well to be honest….they are grainy or blurry or dark. I am not advocating dangling your cat over the balcony so that you can get the money shot. I am saying that you need to open the blinds for indoor pictures. I am saying stage the picture so that it works for you and you have something you are proud of and want to show off. You might find that photographing pets is even harder then kids. Remember most pets will work for treats.

If you lead with your numbers to get the opportunity make sure you promote with your numbers. If you have 15,000 Facebook Fans but only two like the content you share with your post, it really doesn’t help the overall campaign. Think about what you do when you get the engagement with posts via your social media channels and do the same for your work with us.

cute cat
Marjorie Dawson’s beautiful cat.

If growing your blog and monetizing it are goals, read on so we can help you achieve them:

Follow the BlogPaws.com blog and check in daily. Got a favorite blog reader? BlogLovin, perhaps? Put BlogPaws.com in one of the must-visit blogs you ready daily.

  • Let us help you create a blog business plan.  Here’s a three-part BlogPaws series walking you through step by step towards a successful blog business plan.
  • We have three-times-a-month Tuesday night Twitter chats from 8 to 10 pm EST, so we encourage you to connect there and grow your own following. Follow hashtag #BlogPawsChat.
  • Stay current on pet topics, news, health information, be the change for pets, and more by getting this e-newsletter delivered to your inbox. We never sell or give away emails. Sign up on the BlogPaws homepage.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to connect with us.

For all bloggers reading this: lifestyle and pet, be sure to check out our“How to Monetize with BlogPaws” post.

What’s your blogging challenge or goal? How can we help you achieve them?


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