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How To Write An Ebook: The Why

Should you write an ebook? Definitely!

Well, maybe…

Why is there no definitive answer to this question of whether you should write an ebook? It’s because you need to have, and understand, your WHY on whether you should put fingers to keyboard and spend your time writing an ebook. If you’re going to write an ebook because “everyone is doing it” I urge you to rethink that knee-jerk reaction.

In this three-part series I will cover:

  1. Why (should you write it)
  2. How (to write it)
  3. What (to do once it’s written)

How To Write An Ebook- The Why

How to Write an Ebook: The Why

As with most anything you do in your business, there needs to be a WHY behind it. The WHY is your driving force, your mission. The WHY is the reason you do what you do and for whom you do it.

Take a few moments and ask yourself:

  • Why do I want to write a book?
  • Why will my followers and potential readers benefit?
  • Why should I spend the time and energy on a book (when I don’t have a lot of free time right now)?

Download the “How To Write An Ebook: The Why” worksheet to help you keep your brainstorming thoughts in one place. NOTE: When I start a book project or a large client project, I put together a three-ring binder with tabs to keep me focused, on track, and my notes and ideas in one contained place.

What are some reasons you may want to write an ebook? Here are a few to think about.

To make money. Many bloggers will package their blog content into an ebook and sell it on their site, on Amazon, or other sites as a way to make money from their blog. If you want to make additional money (passive income rules, baby!) then look at your blog content and see if you have enough content on a particular subject (that your readers care about) that can be turned into an ebook.

To share your expertise. It seems to be a fact that if you’ve written a book you are somewhat and somehow “elevated” in the eyes of your peers. “Oh, look at her, she wrote a book! I should be writing a book, too!” Having a book gives you some cachet, there is no doubt about that. Taking the time to write a book means you have taken your expertise and your niche seriously enough to put the behind-the-scenes work into writing an ebook. Imagine if your bio (after you’ve written your book) reads: Jane Doe, author of “XYZ Book For Bloggers.” Can you picture it? Looks pretty good, I think!

To give away. Have you heard of “book as business card?” It essentially means that while your colleagues are giving out business cards, you can give your book to those you meet at networking events. Depending on your business model and the topic of your book, you may be able to “brand” your book for a corporate sponsor that they can give to their employees or to conference attendees. NOTE: If a corporate sponsor wants to brand the book for their company… you are going back to the first item in this list and are now making money from your book.

To add “author” to your resume. If you have always dreamed of being a published author, your ebook could be the foray into that arena. Whether you self-publish or look for a publisher in the traditional route, your having written a book means you ARE an author. Resume update accomplished.

To explore a passion. You may blog about DIY pet projects, but your secret passion is “how to write” or “healthy family recipes” or “traveling how-tos for pet parents.” Exploring a passion and writing an ebook about it can open new doors, new potential revenue streams, speaking engagements, make money, or share an expertise that your current blog topic may not be suited for. Exploring a new passion in an ebook can also show you whether this new passion might be a viable option for a new money-making option.

What is your ebook WHY? You may have more than one. You may have a WHY I hadn’t thought about. If so, share it in the comments to help others who may be thinking of writing an ebook who are still exploring their WHY.

Robbi Hess is an award-winning author,  full-time writer, newspaper columnist, writing coach and time-management guru. She works with bloggers and solopreneurs and blogs at All Words Matter. If you’re interested in learning about my new 30-Minute Writing program, email me, let’s talk. (Robbi AT PositivelyWoof DOT COM)

Image: FabrikaSimf/Shutterstock.com

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