
How to Prepare Your Blog for the BlogPaws Conference

Can you believe the 2017 BlogPaws Conference is less than a month away? As you start your packing and to-do lists, don’t forget about your blog and social media. You want to have your online presence in the best shape possible before you head out to the conference.

How To Prep for A Blogger Conference like BlogPaws.


There is a lot of networking with bloggers and brands at a blogger conference like BlogPaws. You only get one chance to make a great first impression! Handing out all of those business cards is sure to get new eyes on your blog and social media networks. Are they a reflection of what you want to be known for?

If not, this last month before the conference is a great time to do some spring cleaning!

As part of the 2017 Conference course in the SLC, we are providing you with a FREE actionable workbook to help you prep your blog for the BlogPaws conference. The workbook will be broken out into three main sections.

1. Review Your Top Blog Posts

It’s always a good idea to showcase your popular blog posts in your sidebar and on your about page. The top posts should be pulled based on your Google Analytics or the top five posts that best represent the mission of your blog.

Prior to the conference, get those posts in good shape by reviewing and updating them as needed. You’ll want to review each post by checking out the following areas:

  • Grammar/spelling mistakes
  • Post titles
  • Keywords
  • Images
  • Broken links

In the workbook, we’ve included a checklist to walk you through each step in detail.

2. Spring Clean Your Blog

You wouldn’t throw a party without cleaning your house, right? Same goes for your blog when heading to a conference. Make sure that your blog is updated as much as possible. This includes checking your navigation bar, sidebars, categories, and pages. It’s a good idea to get a friend or accountability partner to review your site. As bloggers, we are so connected to our own blogs that we can forget what it’s like to be a new reader.

How To Prepare Your Blog for the BlogPaws Conference

3. Refresh Your Social Media Profiles

There should be branded consistency across all of your social media profiles. Now is the time to make sure everything looks good. You’ll want to verify your bio, link, profile picture, and more.

Also, use this time to network online with conference speakers and sponsors. I recommend picking three different people each day to reach out to and connect with. This doesn’t have to be complicated. A simple hello or “Looking forward to meeting you!” is great. Be sure to follow #BlogPaws across social for all conference-related updates.

How To Prepare Your Blog for the BlogPaws Conference

Now What? 

1.Head over to the SLC and join the Conference Newbies Course and download our free workbook that accompanies this blog post.

2. Read (and pin for later!) our Essential BlogPaws 2017 Conference Everything Post.

3. Check out How To Make the Most of BlogPaws.

4. Share your conference prep tips in the comments!How are you prepping your blog and social media for BlogPaws?

Aimee Beltran is the Director of Community Education for BlogPaws. She also writes two blogs, Irresistible Icing and Irresistible Pets with her Chihuahua, Chuy. Aimee is passionate about her mission, “create an irresistible life you can’t resist!” She loves anything with glitter, kayaking, and spending time at the beach.

Images: ArthurStock/Shutterstock.com and  g-stockstudio/Shutterstock.com

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