Happy Thanksgiving!

Today we give thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving from BlogPaws | BlogPaws.com

We are so thankful for this community of pet-passionate people. We wanted to share our gratitude. Everyone on the team shared what they’re thankful for on this day!

Chloe DiVita, COE, Chief of Everything: “I am thankful for diversity. In the BlogPaws Team, in the BlogPaws Community, in the pet industry, in the influencer marketing industry, in my personal life, and in my local community. In every touch point in my life I get to experience diversity and I’m grateful for each experience.”

Yvonne DiVita, Co-Founder: “I’m thankful for every day I see the sun shine. Here in CO, that’s pretty often. A sunny day reminds me that I am in charge of my life, and if I embrace the sunshine with my whole being, I will find joy in the sound of the breeze in the trees, the calling of birds to each other, the barking of dogs greeting each other in our neighborhood, and the laughter of children who trust that each day is full of wonder and excitement, if you but allow yourself to see it.”

Carol Bryant, Marketing and Social Media Manager: “Thanks is a small word that embodies a big meaning. Thanks is gratitude. I am grateful for this community which I hold so dear. To be surrounded with the love and dedication of pet parents who are also pet bloggers and online influencers on a daily basis is reason to celebrate. For all the pets of the world who still need homes, my thoughts and prayers go out to you to find your forever loving families.”

Maggie Marton, Senior Editor: “I’m thankful that I get to spend my time among the people and pets I love. I’m thankful that I get to work with such passionate, dedicated people. I’m thankful for so many things big, like Emmett celebrating his 13th Thanksgiving, to small, like eating my weight in apple pie!”

Bernard Lima-Chavez, Campaign Manager: “I am thankful that the BlogPaws Community is open and welcoming to each member’s unique voice. We celebrate and find strength in our diversity and differences. We support each other and learn from and help one another grow both professionally and personally.”

Felissa Elfenbein, Director of Influencer Marketing: “I am thankful for the most incredible career in the world. I am thankful for Yvonne and Tom and Caroline for this crazy idea that they had that we call BlogPaws. I am thankful to the Pet360Media Sales Team for always keeping me on my toes.

Happy Thanksgiving from BlogPaws.com

We’d love to hear from you: What are YOU grateful for this Thanksgiving? Please share!

Have a safe and wonderful holiday!

Image: littleny/Shutterstock.com and Roman.Stasiuk/Shutterstock.com

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