
Get Fit with Your Pet Month Blog Hop

The Get Fit with Your Pet Month Blog Hop is being sponsored by Hill’s Prescription Diet Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution for Dogs and Cats

Get Fit with Your Pet Month
Welcome to the January Blog Hop! This month’s theme is Get Fit with Your Pet Month here at BlogPaws and we want our entire community to join in. We know that our community as a whole strives to help their readers, fans, and followers have happier healthier pets. Pet obesity has become a growing problem around the world and we know that as a community you want to help end that trend. 52% of dogs and 58% of cats in the US are obese which means instead of helping our pets live longer healthier lives we are setting them up for everything from arthritis to heart problems and just like when we age and our body begins to give out the same is true for dogs and cats. When they are overweight or obese those extra pounds add extra strain to their joints and muscles.

That is why we here at BlogPaws wanted to start the year off right with Get Fit with Your Pet Month. A way for us as a community to make a difference end the trend while helping pet owners help their dogs become happier and healthier in 2014! To that end we are looking for all of your posts that talk about getting your pet moving. Whether it was a fun walk you went on with your dog, a game of chase in the snow, tips for getting started with agility or fly-ball or even a post about your weekly trips to the dog park we want you to share. For our cat lovers we are looking for your posts about fun activities indoor cats can do to get moving, we are looking for information about how to build your own cat tower that will have cats climbing up and down all day long, do you have a post about how you helped your cat lose weight share it, tell us about your kittens favorite toy the one where he will search all over the house to find and play with for hours.


As the sponsor of the Get Fit with Your Pet Month Blog Hop Hill’s has asked us to let everyone know that just for leaving to a post that helps your readers get their pets active you are entered to win a dog or cat gift basket like the one you see above. It includes a Metabolic thermal cup, nice, cuddly Metabolic throw (for people), and two bags of Science Diet Baked Light Treats. At the end of the month we will be using random.org to choose 3 winners and they will receive the prize shipped directly to their door.

But first you need to leave your links so that we can help others get fit with their pet. Join us and help us help pets become healthy in 2014!

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