3 Key Takeaways from the FTC’s Twitter Chat about Disclosures

Last Wednesday, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) held a Twitter chat to answer specific questions about influencers and disclosures.

BlogPaws attended to info-gather and to ask questions on behalf of our community.

Here, we share three key takeaways that impact the work we do:

3 Key Takeaways from the FTC's Twitter Chat about Disclosures

First, check out the FTC’s infographic on their recommended do’s and don’ts!

Second, one surprise from our perspective was their stance on hashtagging brands as a partner. Here at BlogPaws, we’re going to look into this recommendation in greater detail and consider how it will impact the disclosures we require.

Third and finally, an interesting turn of events when it comes to SnapChat and Instagram Stories!

Note in the infographic the recommendation to superimpose the disclosure on the image itself. We’re going to learn more about this and figure out how it applies to our bloggers. Watch this space for more (including usage examples) as this one develops!

To read the entire Twitter chat–which we highly recommend–check out the #Influencers101 hashtag thread.

BlogPaws will be hosting a Facebook Live to discuss the high points on our Social Learning Community page. To help us prepare, please leave any questions you might have about the FTC’s guidelines on disclosures for influencers in the comments below! 

Image: ArthurStock/Shutterstock.com

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