Guest post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess
Blogging is a great way to get your words out into the world, but what happens though if your brilliant
words are “out there” and no one is reading? Is there anything you can to do amp up the readership and participation on your blog?
Here are five easy steps to help you write a blog post about your pets that will increase your chances of being read:
- The first thing that people see when they come to your blog is the title. Make it stand out from the crowd and make is search engine friendly. How do you do that? Use titles that offer: 5 Tips, How To Make Money, Ways to Increase Your Social Media Reach. Readers love how-tos and tips.
Keep it brief. Readers have so many blogs and books, and social media status updates vying for their precious time so make certain your blog can be read in a short amount of time. Five hundred words should be the maximum word count, but shorter is better. You can write a quality article in as few as 300 words.
Make sure your article is organized properly. Just as you learned in high school, your article/blog should have an introduction, a middle and a conclusion. If you’re not sure you’re covering the pertinent points, make an outline. Also, to make certain your blog post stays on track, make sure you are only covering one subject per blog post. For example, a blog post about, “Top Ten Tips To Keep Fido Happy On A Road Trip and Pet Friendly Hotels I Love” is way too much for one blog post and should be broken into two separate posts.
Make certain your title isn’t misleading — I have been to pet, and other, blogs – that have mislead me and I haven’t gone back. If I think I am going to read a blog post on “Keeping Fluffy Calm During A Thunderstorm” and you spend the time touting a new device you’ve developed to do that, I will feel mislead. If, however your title says, “Great New Invention To Keep Fluffy Calm During A Thunderstorm” and then you write about the device or review a product, I’m okay with it.
Know your subject matter. While you may not be an expert on all things dog-related, don’t put forth incorrect facts. If you’re unclear about a fact, call a professional and ask for a quote. By the way, quoting pet experts and professionals also helps to amp up your credibility!
Bottom line with your blogging: if you write what people want to read, whether it’s pet humor, pet product reviews, or pet how-tos you will likely gain a loyal following. Also, don’t forget to use keywords to help make your article more searchable. I’ll write about keywords in a different post because to do so now would be getting this blog off topic!
Such great tips. I write a 13 year old’s blog (Frenchie’s Best Friend) in my humorous Frenchie series. When I go into schools, I try to inspire blog writing with students. Your tips are perfect.
Great tips here for newbies and pros. Thanks!
I agree with the importance of title. One thing I would add is to not make your title too long. In general it’s a good idea to keep it under 60 characters because that’s about the maximum number Google will show in their search results.
I agree, SUPER great advice!!! Just tweeted!
Great advice and comments, all. Thanks!
Great tips! Thank you!
A dog blog can be fun, informative, or anything you want it to be. Add a gallery to show off pictures. Open a forum to give your readers another way to share their own stories. Create surveys so you can get an idea of what other people think about certain issues. React to news stories about animals, like when Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana a few years ago. Many blogs popped up immediately after, talking about the poor dogs that were left behind to fend for themselves, some people wondering how that could happen. Dog blogs can be a powerful voice, giving animals and their owners a chance to be heard, to share stories, and to make a difference.
great blogging tips, but i would also add a poll or a survey for the relevant post. For one, a great way to ensure user generated content and two – get good ideas to write more.
A dog weblog is fun, useful, or something you wish it to be. Add a set to demonstrate off pictures. begin a community to supply your guests in a different way to debate their own experiences.Thanks for your great post….