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Blog Hop: 25 Ideas for Pet Blog Holiday Content

Capture the magic of the holiday season with your content. Even if you are not big into the holidays, many of your followers/readers probably are. As a pet blogger or someone who shares pet-related content on social media, having holiday content ready to roll is a great way to gain traffic this time of year.

Here are 25 ideas for pet blog holiday content followed by our weekly Wordless Wednesday blog hop. Enjoy!

Holiday content for pet bloggers

25. Give your readers a glimpse into holiday traditions you partake in with your pets. Even better, take video and pictures so they can replicate the fun in their own pets’ lives.

24. Movies that include animals to watch for the holiday season.

23. How to get through the holidays if a pet has died: Tips, memorial ideas, how to keep your pet’s love and memory alive.

22. Non-traditional things to do with your pets; there are other ways to celebrate if you just aren’t into the holidays overall. Your non-holiday readers will love you for it.

21. A look back and a leap ahead: Share your best and/or most favorite posts with your readers as a year-end blog post, with perhaps some of the things they can look forward to.

20. Show your pet-themed decorations or consider a DIY ornament, treat jar, or craft post for pet parents who love to do hands-on projects.

19. Foods that pets should never have: At the holidays or otherwise.

18. Non-food dangers of the holidays: From lit candles to poisonous plants. Bust some myths, too.

17. Clever Ideas for Pet Parents for the Holidays: Infuse your affiliate marketing links into this post.

16. A Holiday Gift Guide: It needs to be out NOW, as people are starting to shop. Make it unique, different, and don’t forget the affiliate links. Remember, with Amazon affiliates, the person need not buy the exact product you have hyperlinked, but they do need to buy something after clicking on your affiliate link on Amazon within 24 hours.

15. Gift giving ideas for pets other than dogs and cats.

14. Holiday Recipes for ___ (insert pet here): Why should people be the only ones who savor the flavor of the season? If you aren’t much of a chef or cook, enlist the advice or guest blogging of someone who is qualified to write about feeding and treat pets this holiday season.

13. Where to go to escape the holidays: You can’t be alone in feeling stressed this time of year: Show me places I can go to get away from it all…and better yet, make them pet friendly.

12. Celebrate National Mutt Day: December 2nd celebrates the mixed breed dogs across the U.S. – share the word, pick a pooch to spotlight.

11. Write your own version of the Night Before Christmas with a pet spin on it as a happy holiday blog post for your readers.

10. Learn about  others holidays that take place this time of year like Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Interview folks who celebrate these holidays with their pets.

9. The XX Most Fashionable Pets This Holiday Season

8. How to Help Homeless Pets This Holiday Season

7. How to Cyber Foster a Pet This Holiday Season

6. How to Keep Your Pets Stress Free This Holiday Season: Pets need this. Think of all the sights, sounds, guests visiting, etc. This is a big change in routine.

5. Ground rules for friends and family when your pets plead for holiday food. Make a list that readers can print and hang on their fridge! Include tweetable nuggets of info.

4. High tech toys for pets (affiliate marketing links, too)

3. Thanksgiving: A list of things you are thankful for that include your pet and ask your readers to share their reasons, too. This is a great idea for Facebook, too.

2. New Year, New You: Share the resolutions (or not) that you and your pet are making to welcome in 2018.

1. Presents My Pet Received: Do an Instagram video or a Facebook Live sharing the presents your pets received. Show your followers a holiday slice of your lives!

Holiday Gift Idea

Get the Latest in Social Media, Pet Blogging and Pet Influencer Education at the BlogPaws 2018 Conference in Kansas City, Missouri.  If you want the early bird rate before a sell out, claim your BlogPaws 2018 Conference tickets here.

The Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop

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Images: By Natali Zakharova/ Shutterstock.

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