How to Repurpose Content and Market It Consistently Online

Some people frown on repurposing your own content or maybe you don’t know how to reuse your own content. It is all in how market it online that is going to help you stand out, stay consistent and not kill yourself trying to get out a ton of content on a weekly basis.  Repurposing your older work–blog posts, social media shares, video and even print (gasp!)–is the way to save yourself from writer’s block and frustration from trying to get everything done. Believe me: There is a way to do it, and since our social media audience is always growing and changing, you are still going get your repurposed content in front of many new eyes.

How to Repurpose Content and Market It Consistently Online

New Bloggers and Influencers

If you have just started, you may be thinking, “But I don’t have enough content to repurpose yet.” Stay with me: I am sure that you do.

You may have done a post that is evergreen, let’s say six months ago; you can repurpose it by creating a new graphic for it, taking some of the tips out of your blog post and putting them onto the graphic. You can then share that graphic across all the social media platforms with a link back to your site’s blog post.  Tip: You can track where people have seen your newly repurposed work if you use a link, and it is free. Boom! You just saved yourself writing another post, and it should not take you more than 15-30 minutes to do this. You can even schedule your social posts for the week.

My favorite software to make graphics is Canva (of course) but Picmonkey is another user-friendly software to try.

Here’s an example:

Here is a blog post I did years ago on my more hyper local blog back on March 23, 2011: Springtime & Dog owner amnesia

Here is the updated/repurposed version on my newer blog from February 22, 2017: Spring dog training and walking tips

The picture that went with each article is different. I could easily add the bullet point tips to the newer version to share on social. In Canva (for business), you can easily resize your graphic for ALL social media platforms and use that same graphic (consistency/branding) on all the social media platforms you are on.

You can schedule your content way ahead of time, too. You can do it manually via Facebook/Twitter for each post, or you can use Hootsuite to schedule it.

You can also start doing live stream videos with your repurposed content. Maybe you have been scared to hit that go live button, but now you can use your bullet points/tips you just created to talk about the same topic and really get into each bullet point on the live video, answer questions and tell people where they can go to learn more from your blog post.

How to Repurpose Content and Market It Consistently

Veteran Bloggers and Influencers

If you’re a veteran blogger, why are you killing yourself coming up with new content week after week? As you saw above, I have an older blog that I often go to for evergreen articles, update them to 2017, (yes, you still need to make it relevant to today), clean them up and republish.  NOW important tip here, you need to come up with a new title for your post–Google analytics anyone? You don’t want to ever use the same blog title on your newly published post.  You may find you’re more creative with titles the second time around anyway.

Sometimes you clean up your post more than you would have thought, but the gist and tips are already there. So, instead of recreating the wheel every single week, use great content that you have done before. I wouldn’t suggest doing this every week, but if you’re in a bind, have writer’s block or are just plain burned out from coming up with new content, this will help you. Sometimes I go back and look at what I have written, and I am like, “damn that is a great article” or “those tips are perfect!”’ ha-ha

Another way to repurpose and market your content is in PRINT! Yes, I said it my virtual friends. Print is not dead. I write new content for industry trade magazines and for pet columns in newspapers, which are usually evergreen or seasonal articles. You can update, clean up, re-title and pitch your article to your local newspaper–they are ALWAYS looking for fresh pet columnists. Be sure to have your bio and headshot ready to send with it. You will be surprised how they will publish your content and soon be asking you for more.  TIP: I always let the publication know that the article was originally published on my website or blog. I have never once had an editor have a problem with that. Be honest about it. More than likely, they will cut down the actual number of words for space and some may even put “Originally published on BlogName.”  (More promo for your site!)

This is a great way to be seen by other readers who may have not have heard of you or your blog. Be sure to have your blog/website in your bio. You can also now share your article from the publication across all your social media platforms–additional promotion and marketing!

There are many ways to repurpose your work and market it online to get new people interested in what you are writing about. Marketing your own repurposed content to the right audience can lead you to places you may have never thought were possible!

Nancy Hassel is the founder and President of American Pet Professionals, an award winning business-networking and educational organization for the pet industry since 2009.  Leading over 100 in-person educational networking events, seminars, fundraisers and online events for pet industry professionals.  A Public Relations specialist for the pet industry, Nancy works with pet companies in many aspects of PR, event planning, media relations and training for pet professionals.  Nancy also runs the Re-tails & Sales Pet Expo with Dana Humphrey, a trade show featuring Made in the USA pet products.  Nancy is also a speaker at various pet industry conferences, a writer for pet trade and consumer magazines, blogger and photographer, and was a TV producer and production coordinator for 10+ years.  Nancy also created a Responsible Dog Ownership program and taught over 2,500 pet parents in a 5-year period.  Nancy resides on Long Island, NY and is the proud pet parent of Cody, a rescued American Pit Bull Terrier.

About American Pet Professionals:

American Pet Professionals, (APP), is a multiple award winning National Business Networking and Educational Organization for the Pet Industry. Educating, Uniting, Referring, Connecting and Helping all Pet Professionals since 2009! The organization offers in-person networking events nationwide with expert speakers offering their expertise on many different topics to help individuals and businesses grow, work together and unite the pet industry. Hosting nearly 100 in-person networking and educational events for pet professionals since it’s inception. In addition to in-person networking events, American Pet Professionals, also hosts webinars for it’s members; Facebook LIVE video series highlighting APP member pet professionals; sends out a weekly Pet Events Newsletter to 10,350+ pet lovers that covers events and works with many rescue groups throughout the region. Founder and President of American Pet Professionals, Nancy E. Hassel, also travels across the country attending and speaking at pet business conferences and works with many of the organizers of such conferences to bring more expertise, knowledge, ideas and inspiration to its members.  The membership-based organization started in February 2009 and has been growing rapidly since its inception. Featured regularly in Pet Age Magazine, Pet Product News International Magazine, Pet Business Magazine, Pets+ Magazine, Dogster Magazine, Modern Dog Magazine and numerous newspapers, blogs and TV stations throughout the country. Connect socially: @AmericanPetPros on Twitter and Instagram

Images: bbernard/ and Jacob Lund/

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